
[4E4] Post yer Screenshots

Started by June 28, 2005 12:45 PM
717 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago

Modelling the ninja in Blender. And no, it's not a mix of a zombie and a ninja XD although that might be a cool feature.. Hmm..
Quote: Original post by Mushu
Quote: Original post by mikeman
Quote: Original post by Sneftel
Don't be too taken aback by incredible-looking screenshots. Remember, this contest focuses on gameplay, not eye candy.

I totally agree. Guys, those screenshots are nice but don't really mean much, remember that the more you spend making the graphics, the less you spend on the actual gameplay. A game with 2D programmer art but awesome gameplay could be the winner(in fact, I'm kinda hoping this will be the case).

Me too [wink]

I don't have a screenshot of the actual game, but here's one of my engine, which I'm going to use:
clickery dickery dock
I like the DARK layout!
Once I get my high powered OpenGL 2d rendering engine up to speed, then you all will be blown away by my godlike abilities.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
Might be a little OT...
PnP Bios, your signature link doesn't work :D
Yes, I know there are no zombies, ninja's etc... I'm just testing some maps, and trying to get my physics synced with BSP maps.

Free Image Hosting at

[Edited by - ricekrispyw on July 4, 2005 9:50:32 PM]
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Screenshot update...note I'm working extra fast now as uni starts in less than two weeks... [depressed]

Right click->view image (my uni host is strange..)

Edited by evolutional: hosted on my domain for you
Kul: thx mate

[Edited by - Kuladus on July 5, 2005 2:48:34 AM]
Your image is very dark - is that intended 'cos I can hardly make out any detail.

That doesn't work for me. IE doesn't have a "View image" option by the way, but "Show Picture". Try or CGameProgrammer's excellent
Yeah I was gonna say it looked like Hominid. Looks good. Everyone's screenshots look good. Can't wait to play some of the entries.
Quote: Original post by skittleo
That looks awesome. Remind me a whole lot of Alien Hominid.

Thx. Alien Hominid looks awesome, pity I don't have the time or skills to do some great graphics like that..

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