
Proposal on Project Thread Standard

Started by June 28, 2005 11:31 PM
12 comments, last by DakeDesu 19 years, 2 months ago
Well, what about the rest of us who DON'T have GDNet+? Do we just post here? Or do we get a website, like I've done?
You could also get GDNet+.
Quote: Original post by Sneftel
You could also get GDNet+.

I second that.
If you know HTML and could make use of website for something other than just this contest, than fine--do the website option.
- Adds polish to your project
- requires a slight ammount more work.

If you have GDNet+ and want to do the journal thing.
- Get to use your journal for something.
- Is kind of elitist--some people are unable to get GDNet+ accounts, or it just isn't a good idea (for me, I don't want to pay for features on a site that I will be spending most of my time in karma hell on)

If you want to do a Thread, it should be just fine.
- Gives a quick access to those just browsing the contest forum. It goes a little like, "hey, whats this" *click* "wow"
- Not as much controll in presentation.
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