
Speed difference in full screen mode

Started by July 01, 2005 11:06 AM
3 comments, last by 19 years, 2 months ago
I've been going through the opengl nehe tutorials and I am on the 10th one, but I've noticed in all the programs I've made there is a big speed difference between fullscreen mode and non-full-screen mode. That is when it is not full screen everything rotates more slowly, then when I switch to full screen all of a sudden everything spins really fast and increases or decreases more quickly. What's going on?? Thanks, Brian
windowed applications tend to be less efficient, since (a) they have to share the device context with other applications, and (b) if they're double-buffered they have to blit in order to swap buffers, instead of switching pointers in video memory. Don't worry about it.
i'll think you'll find this is a sync issue, he has video sync on in opengl fullscreen and none in windowed
He doesn't. His application goes FASTER in fullscreen mode, which really isn't a problem.
my apologies, i read the post a bit to quickly, thought fullscreen was slower. what i meant by that anyway is that if u rotate the cube in tut 7 for instance, it'll spin rapidly in windowed as there is no video sync on, switch to full, sync is on and all is smoother.

sorry for the hickup :)

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