
site plans

Started by July 04, 2005 02:13 AM
2 comments, last by khawk 19 years, 2 months ago
Hello GameDev. Could you tell us what plans you have for the site in the future? Will NeHe still be around updating it? Will you still add community news like NeHe did? New tutorials and articles? Contests, or will it they be combined with the gamedev contests? Thanks Endre
It all says in the announcement on the gamedev frontpage.
I guess that announcemen tell us a little about the plans for the site, but not all of it. In addition to the tutorials and article, what brings me back to nehe on a daily basis is the hope that there has been an update in the news section. I like to se what other people make, and how the do it.
NeHe is great but he has not had much time for the site lately, so maybe some of the gamedev staff could add news too.

Also, the contest on NeHe has been much more OpenGL oriented that the one on gamedev, where games have been the main target. I like both so I don't mind, but they are very different.

Quote: Original post by esolem
I guess that announcemen tell us a little about the plans for the site, but not all of it. In addition to the tutorials and article, what brings me back to nehe on a daily basis is the hope that there has been an update in the news section. I like to se what other people make, and how the do it.
NeHe is great but he has not had much time for the site lately, so maybe some of the gamedev staff could add news too.

Also, the contest on NeHe has been much more OpenGL oriented that the one on gamedev, where games have been the main target. I like both so I don't mind, but they are very different.


Yes, we have plans to keep regular news updates on the main page. It will operate similarly to's news submission, where instead of emailing the news, you fill out a form and we approve/disapprove entries.

Also, the focus will of course continue to be OpenGL. We have no intentions of changing the NeHe focus, and honestly I believe we would be idiots to do otherwise.

Admin for

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