
Game genre questionaire

Started by July 04, 2005 08:04 AM
28 comments, last by Sneftel 19 years, 1 month ago
Not alone. :P

RTS. Kinda like Warcraft, but top-down instead of semi-isometric, and with elements of Age of Mythology added (Barbarian priests can summon zombies from enemy graveyards, Barbarian warriors come back as zombie mercenaries after dying, etc...).
You can summon zombies in WarcraftII from dead bodies too. It's a cool idea all the same.

[Edited by - d000hg on July 8, 2005 2:35:28 AM]
I'm making a Zelda (LTTP) style RPG game with some elements from other games/genras. The game will (hopefully) be heavily story driven and have a fast paced real time combat system (just like Zelda but more focused on the combat). It will be more mature and serious than the Zelda games though, not that there's anything wrong with the Zelda games, they're my favorites! (If you haven't concluded that from the fact that I used the word 'Zelda' no fewer than 4 times in a short paragraph.)
I'm kind of making an RTS, but it's unlike other RTSes you've played; there's really only two types of units, and your units and the enemy's units never directly interact.
Well, I kind of got worried when I saw somebody else say 2d style puzzle game, but then I realised that by now most of the people who were doing RTS might have moved on. Almost like I almost did, thanks to figuring out how to implement a control scheme in my project.

However, I am still alive. Just was dreading returning to these forums, that was all.
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I dread these forums too. All of the sweet screenies make my project look like a huge sack of crap. [sad]

Oh well, I will soldier on. The practice will do me good. The free services of a good pixel artist would do me better, though [wink]
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Quote: Original post by Sneftel
I'm kind of making an RTS, but it's unlike other RTSes you've played; there's really only two types of units, and your units and the enemy's units never directly interact.
Sounds interesting - is this an idea you've had for a while of a brainwave/random thought you had for the contest? Can you give any more information or are you being secretive?

Quote: Original post by d000hg
Quote: Original post by Sneftel
I'm kind of making an RTS, but it's unlike other RTSes you've played; there's really only two types of units, and your units and the enemy's units never directly interact.
Sounds interesting - is this an idea you've had for a while of a brainwave/random thought you had for the contest? Can you give any more information or are you being secretive?

It's an idea I've been kind of tossing around in my head for awhile, but the contest sort of focused it into something doable. The basic idea is that you're the captain of a pirate ship crewed by robots; you assign bots to combat roles, and give them tasks ("reef the forward sail", "reload that cannon", etc.); since they're robots, they don't show much initiative, so there's a lot of micromanagement going on. As an alternative to micromanagement, however, you have pirate lieutenants under whose commands you can place different bots, and then instruct the lieutenants at a higher level (though you can countermand their orders on a case-by-case basis, if you think there's a better way to do something). It's an RTS because you're controlling all these units in realtime, but since it's your ship interacting with enemy ships, instead of your units interacting with enemy units, I think there'll be an interesting mix of trying to beat the other guy, and trying to beat your own efficiency.
Interesting, Sneftel. Our (me and my team's) idea is in a way very similiar to yours, but it is still very different.
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me

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