
Know any good virtual cities?

Started by July 14, 2005 11:43 AM
2 comments, last by Daaark 19 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I wonder if anyone knows of any 3D virtual cities such as a 3D versions of London, New York or Tokyo? Maybe that can be downloaded from the internet? Perhaps made from OpenGL or even a java applet? Virtual reality has been around for decades but I have never seen a virtual city that I recognise before! The only virtual reality that I know of are sports arenas such as race-tracks that appear in racing games and flat maps of cities but mainly countryside from flight simulators. Any ideas?
Thanks Mr Vampyre D. How is it I never find these sites myself I wonder!
Quote: Original post by paulbird
Thanks Mr Vampyre D. How is it I never find these sites myself I wonder!

There is a site that has a project where the author generates very high poly random cities and renders them, I think it might be linked from there. I don't remember anything else about the name or anything to send you directly there. I'm not talking about the type where the buildings are cubes or quads.. this looked so good you could let spiderman swing through it in the next movie, and you'd think it was real footage.

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