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Player Actitons & Quests (continued...)

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16 comments, last by Nazrix 23 years, 7 months ago
This is something we''ve been discussing over at www.gamedeveloper.net. I just felt that it was interesting enough that I just had to let you all check it out, and discuss it further either here or on gamedevloper.net. Check it out. "All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be --Pink Floyd Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. Click here to see my current project.
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I must think differently than other people, becasue I would never think of doing it any other way. Everything should be based on the state of the world, not on what the player does. However, what the player does changes the state of the world.

"To understand the horse you'll find that you're going to be working on yourself. The horse will give you the answers and he will question you to see if you are sure or not."
- Ray Hunt, in Think Harmony With Horses
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humm.. Naz, you raise an interesting point, one that people have been trying to grasp for a long time when it comes to RPGs, i think. The real problem is that you can''t make a true virtual world yet. You have to program in all possibilities ahead of time. The concept of making solutions that you haven''t thought of ahead of time possible has existed forever with computer games. However, lack of neuro network capablity has stunted that area of gaming
What I think is best to do is have a large puzzle development team.. with all people working seperately or in small groups to make a puzzle. Once done, you pass the puzzles around in the teams, till all teams have handled all puzzles, and thought of different solutions to them. This way you get a large enough group.. and you''ve got all possible solutions covered. That is the tactic i plan on utilizing until i find a way to make other things a reality.
I think the best way to plan for simple by-passes is to simply make the world as realistic as you can. Everything in the world is real, touchable.. not just a simple still figure. If someone should marr a tree, and carve their name into it "Billy loves Jane" or some such.. it should stay that way. Anything that''s in the text of a text-based game should be real.. "A babbling brook gives an air of peace to this area".. look brook.. "what the hell are you talking about, there''s no brook here!"
Point should be well made there. I''m also working on a random room generation system, based on an overall mapping of an area.. which will allow people to wonder off the beaten path. My goal is to make hunting more realistic, and rangers more useful. Who would want to wonder off if they might never get back? It''ll also incorporate a real distancing system, so that you can wonder as far from the path as you want, and still be able to find your way back again (if you just go north.. then you''ll be able to just go south again). However.. elements such as direction sense will play a big role. If you walk straight north, you''re not always walking a straight line.. leading to you getting off course, without knowing.. hehe
There''s a lot more too it.. such as stumbling across the orc horde while wondering.. and accidently leading them back to town (oops!). Finding a nest of goblins.. hehe.. i plan on keeping a wall in my office (or home) with the world map on it. It''ll be like the big strategic maps that they have in war rooms.. lol. And there i''ll plan troop movements of certain races, and things that should happen within my game world, without the players even knowing. And once the orc population rises to a certain level, they might make a trek into town.. hehe. just some of my plans for ensuring the world is run more realistically than any others.

Yeah, this is one of those concepts that I always had somewhere in the back of my mind, but never really got it to gel together. That is the nicest part about it though. The world could take care of itself. Although, I don''t believe that concept has been used in story-based game where the situations were often more complex than a gae based almost purely on combat.

"All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be --Pink Floyd
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The biggest thing is that i''m working towards an MMORPG.. but it''d be much easier to impliment in a CRPG. The game could be taught to generate objects as needed.. and store them. That way if the player had TONS of room for a database, they could go around destroying forests.. hehe.

I''ve worked on trimming it down a LOT, since storing individual room sections in a database would be a large waste of time and space. What i''ve come up with is simply making a system which takes an input variable.. and generates a room based of that. This first simplistic generator would take in what type of room.. and then use a template to make a room corresponding to that.
To take it further, i''ve got variables for terrain, climate, and a terrain modifier. An example would be a forest in cool climate with rocks.. hehe. The terrain modifier could be nothing, or could be of the same type to make a more dense forest. If you have 10 types of terrain, that makes 100 room combinations, all modifiable by weather, say 5 of those.. 500 different room types all together. That way it merely takes what it needs and pieces it together to make the room It''ll take some work.. but, yeah.. you can do it.

***Going back to the original post*******

In chess there are one quest - kill the king :-)
and there are billions of ways to do that -
and the ways are easy to learn - but hard to master.

The ultima series are very close to do this.

Personally i think puzzles are the wrong way - but rather indirect requirements are the right way.

Imagine a game which are won when a dragoon are killed.
The dragoon is easy access able (no linear levels down to it - which even a lot of ''open'' games tend to make)
However the dragoon is tuff - and have tuff monsters around it.
The character development are open (aka ultima).
There are no puzzles and no sub quests.

Eventually the player will win by making a good mage/fighter/monk or create a strong group (ect ect).

Rather that making fun puzzles - developer should make fun features, good environment and make character development fun.

just my 5 cent.

Kim Graef, actually the point is to actually take it even further than that. The point is that there could be more ways than just fighting to accomplish a goal.

So, if the quest is to retrieve a document from a certain NPC. You could kill him and take it. You could pick pocket him while he''s walking around town. You could sneak into his house and try and pick pocket him in his sleep or steal it in the house if he didn''t have it on him. The important part is that the game engine would take care of all these possibilities without the game developers carefully tending to every possibility. The player could even mix different actions together to accomplish a goal.

"All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be --Pink Floyd
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yeah, the room generator sounds pretty cool. I think that''s the key to these sorts of things. If you can break things down small enough then there can be a great number of combinations causing a lot of variety w/ few components.

I would love it if the world were so detailed that you could write things into a tree. Heck just taking that one example proves how much it would take. You''d have to think of all the things you could use to make a mark in a tree. You could obviously probably use almost any sharp weapon. I''m sure there are also many more obscure objects to make a mark in a tree (although I cannot seem to think of any).

What do you think hinders this kind of interactivity and detail? Is it development time, CPU resources, not considered worth the trouble by developers to give that kind of attention to detail?

"All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be --Pink Floyd
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quote: Original post by Nazrix

What do you think hinders this kind of interactivity and detail? Is it development time, CPU resources, not considered worth the trouble by developers to give that kind of attention to detail?

I think it''s most likely the amount of work, but not just that.

I think there''s a kind of "set in our ways" thinking about RPGs. Scripts and scripting languages have become popular, but while they can give you cool content once in place, they''re darn inflexible. I also have a suspicion that RPG designers want far too much control over content (authorial control), which would be a major barrier.

All that aside, though, I think thinking about RPGs that work like non-combat RTS''s (as I explained in the gamedeveloper.net post) are a new way to look at an old problem. If there''s any merit to it, it''ll catch on. But these things take time.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
I think that you''re probably right, Wav. The "set in our ways" thing is so evil. Evil!!!

"All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be --Pink Floyd
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Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi

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