
Simple Maze game in OpenGL?

Started by August 09, 2005 09:54 PM
4 comments, last by kburkhart84 19 years, 1 month ago
When I complete reading all of the NeHe OpenGL tutorials, would I be able to complete a simple 3D maze game. A hallway with two walls ceiling and floor, and different paths that you can go down. I have just started the tutorials and I am almost done with setting up a window for OpenGL.
True God of the TribunalKelchargeMy SiteMy Ugly Forums
when you have finished reading and comprehending all the nehe tutorials, a simple maze program will be far beneath your skills.
- relpats_eht
we've just done it, and without all the lessons.
(it was for a graphics course on the univ)

take a look:
messy code though, i warn you.
That makes the tutorials all the more fun to read. :) :)
True God of the TribunalKelchargeMy SiteMy Ugly Forums
Maybe so. Look under NEHE's downloads under the letter 'S'. The game is called Space Battle 3d. I made it mainly with NEHEs tutorials. The only other help was a little 3d math and Milkshape 3d for modelling. That is what I made. It isn't complete and needs to be redone, when I have free time. That is a good example.

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