
What language are you using?

Started by August 29, 2005 03:26 PM
32 comments, last by languard 18 years, 10 months ago
If i had the time, I would be entering in C#. But I lack the itme, so I'm not entering. But I am going to continue working on my game in C# on the side.
C++. I don't know C# as yet, but it seems as though I should. Maybe after the contest...
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
I am making my entry in BlitzMax, and I'm very, very happy with it.
I'm using C++, although I've just got a new job, so I've had to cut back on how much time I put in.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Quote: Original post by Jnz86
Right now i am using C++. Before that i used Turbo Pascal,Visual Basic(very little),Delphi, and finally came to C++. Haven't tried C#...

If you've used Delphi, give C# a try (when you have the time, don't try switching in the middle of a project). While non-Delphi programmers like to compare it to a C++/VB combination, the truth is that it's far more like Delphi meets C++ syntax meets Garbage Collector (it helps that Delphi's chief architect was one of the three designers of C#).


And, when it comes to String Manipulation, C/C++ freaking sucks! Oh geez... it's painful. Why doesn't it have the sweet string functions of C#, PHP and Python (especially the ones for splitting strings)? Why, oh why?!
Because those languages learnt from C++'s mistakes? Or because you haven't found a library to use instead of stl?

I find CString is pretty nice, many many people recommend BOOST for just about everything.
With such a cool name, it's hard not to like it ;) (I'm refering to boost :p).
Sirob Yes.» - status: Work-O-Rama.
so i am the only java user here? :(

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