
tutorials running poorly on my linux machine

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3 comments, last by toxy 18 years, 11 months ago
I've just started running Fedora Core 4 Linux and the nehe tutorials are running very poorly on my machine. However, they run great when I'm running Windows on my machine. I ran a sample from another site which used freeglut and I got this message: Unable to create direct context rendering for window ... This may hurt performance. My graphics card is a MSI G3Ti200-TD w/64 MB of RAM and I went to MSI's site but they don't have driver downloads for Linux. My display setting is showing the card as an NVIDIA GeForce 3 (generic) so I would think that would be good. Does anyone have any suggestions?
if you didnt get the drivers, odds are opengl is running in software, which would really slow things down.

if linux says your card is a geforce 3, then I would suggest you try nvidia's drivers, which are available on thier site.
- relpats_eht
I had the same problem with Fedora 3. The 3d acceleration for that card isn't by default set up. It has been a while since I removed Fedora from my system but here is the board where I found the answers I needed. You will need to enable direct rendering but not sure if Fedora 4 is using XFree or At the time Fedora 3 was using and there were no drivers available.

"A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read." ~Mark Twain
Get the latest drivers from nvidias site. They should support Fedora Core 4 and

Thanks everyone for the help. Your were all right, I went to nVidia got the latest driver and things are working good now.


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