
Pulling out of 4E

Started by October 14, 2005 07:26 PM
28 comments, last by Tree Penguin 18 years, 10 months ago
Friends don't let friends code drunk.

And on a serious note... Bull... I'll call that bluff:)
Quote: Original post by Selsesstissan
And on a serious note... Bull... I'll call that bluff:)

I'm with you on that. I wouldn't be surprised if this was just an attempt to trick everyone into taking it easy because their biggest competition dropped out.
Quote: Original post by pi_equals_3
Quote: Original post by Selsesstissan
And on a serious note... Bull... I'll call that bluff:)

I'm with you on that. I wouldn't be surprised if this was just an attempt to trick everyone into taking it easy because their biggest competition dropped out.

Rgr, not like he needed the space lol. Deleting the data one thing but code? Come on 10 projects can sometimes fit on one floppy disk.
Well, my team is dropping out too. We ran out of time and the maximum system requirements for the contest are too low. We are still developing, and will have screens in the near future, but a full demo would be just too much to handle right now.
Wimps. I've got no chance of even making a playable DEMO and I'm still in.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
Sad to see you drop out Nes8bit and Game Developer 1.

I am dropping out as well because of time since I have not touched my project at all in the last couple of weeks.
Oh my god that was the absolutely drukenest post I've made. I don't even know wtf I wrote, but anyway...

The project won't be released as a demo or in its incomplete form. The actual map data for the game is somewhat valuable to the local thriving downtown real estate market due to its accuracy and size (5 ft deviation, 3 square miles modeled), but even then I'm not sure if I'll release it. (Lots of skyscrapers are being built)

Anyway, to answer another question the project was meant to be a commecial project. The contest was going to be market testing and proof of concept. If we got enough positive reviews, then I could have written it into the market analysis for the business plan. So the project did go beyond the scope of 4E. Basically we just wanted to prove that A) it can be done and B) that it yields positive results. What about profit you ask?

Basically there are 5 sources of revenue for the project:
1) Product Placment - T-shirts that the characters wore, businesses that want to be advertised that are in the game, local artists, etc.
2) Advertising for local business on the website
3) Selling the game (of course)
4) Selling products in the game on the website - similar to product placement
5) Real Estate - Selling the 3d san diego to skyscraper real estate companies

And in case you were wondering, we were actually going to give the prize away after we won it. Thats how serious the project was in comparison to it being a simple contest entry.

Anyway I got plastered last night in mexico in memory of my project. For all you skeptics out there, I did delete it, but I backed it up to DVD. However, the DVD I backed it up to failed and I can't access the files on it. So basically the project is gone for good.
Were you the only coder - not another team member with it. And what are the odds of you deleting it all (and it won't come back) AND a DVD failing. Smells suspicious..

But anyway, there must be a binary and resources you could show off?
I don't code. -_-

Anyway since you ask I'll tell you what happened. I actually was able to recover the source files with ISO buster. This only means its going straight to a reliable backup though. And that means I can sell my map to the local real estate market. [rolleyes] The repository was untouched and I can reverse engineer the maps. In fact thats what we did. I might post a video of the map or something, but the game itself will never see daylight.
Well, I am still not 100% convinced that you are indeed pulling out. Either way, a video of the map(s) would be cool.

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