
Pulling out of 4E

Started by October 14, 2005 07:26 PM
28 comments, last by Tree Penguin 18 years, 10 months ago
cant you release a part of it ? 80% done is still better than nothing at all
Well for those of you who wanted me to finish the game got your wish. When I told everyone that we were pulling out indefinitely, a surprising amount of people came out of nowhere and requested that the game still get completed. Even some GDNet Staff here had mentioned it to me that people were interested in seeing Fallen Elements come to life. The game takes place on Christmas Eve so expect to see it released around december.

And keep an eye on the site if you're interested.

Website: Fallen Elements: Communism Comes to Town

With all that said, thanks for all the support.
Looks like I'm going to have to pull out myself. My parents cut the lines after they saw my interm report card... It seems that working on 4e4 has affected my schoolwork. [grin]

I'm definitely entering next year, though.
Talk to them. Reason with them. Impress on them the serious nature of this programming (not gaming) contest.

Make a deal to work really hard and cut out the coding if they'll give you a few more days and not waste 6 months of your work...
Oberon_Command, listen to Mark Twain: "Never let your schooling interfere with your education."
Quote: Original post by d000hg
Talk to them. Reason with them. Impress on them the serious nature of this programming (not gaming) contest.

Make a deal to work really hard and cut out the coding if they'll give you a few more days and not waste 6 months of your work...

Already tried all that. They're not budging. I guess I could do some work at school, out of their sight... I don't really like doing that much, I don't get much work done at school.
It seems a bit unfortunate - after 5 months, a few more days of slacking off school won't make too much difference - if you actually do catch up later. If you want to get into programming as a career then good grades do stand out when applying for a university, or on your CV... of course you know that already!

How far along is your game - in a playable state or missing key features?
It's sort of playable. That is, the units can attack and kill each other, but there is no AI in the game, and the graphics aren't quite finished (there's a building and a unit using legacy graphics). Apart from that, it's playable.
Graphics aren't so crucial - but it's hard to play a game with no enemey. If you have units automatically engaging enemies within their vision, you could hack in an enemy army for you to defeat - hardly a whole game but it would do for one mission and only take an hour to do!
I reckon you'd still do quite well!
I'm out too, i just haven't had any spare time the past few weeks, i don't even have a playable demo.

I will finish the game in a while as i need a testing mod for my engine anyway, so be prepared for a fully shadered and if needed gfTNT2/1.2Ghz compatible game in a few months.

My game would have been a hack 'n slash/puzzle/adventure game, you'd be a ninja cyborg built to search and destroy the original zombie so all zombies return to normal again, as far as you didn't kill them of course.
Your task is to kill as few zombies as possible so you'll have to find your way through the town (the suburbs of Tokyo and a piece of downtown Tokyo) on top of boxes, cars and through zombie crowds using the zombie walk.

Anyway, a demo of this would have been my entry.

Good luck to anyone who did post an entry, i am looking forward to play them!

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