
Informal poll - 4E4 entrants: who will win?!

Started by October 17, 2005 05:38 AM
19 comments, last by Thunder_Hawk 18 years, 10 months ago
Quote: Original post by d000hg
Oberon, if you get it in a playable state I'd rank any RTS quite highly, simply because there's more to it than moving an animated model around a 3D world.

I wish I would have made an RTS or some kind of RPG =/ They are funner and more challenging to make.. But I didn't start planning until the middle of Aug. so I only had time to make a simple FPS.. And it still might not be finished on time.. ><
Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
Quote: Original post by d000hg
I don't realistically hope to win. But I would like to be one of the top entries not using an existing engine (I had some DX wrapper stuff and a basic heightmap).

I'm not using an existing engine either (built it from scratch out of SDL), so we're neck-on-neck there.

Now that I think about it, that may be why it's taking me so long. :)
I vote for me.

Providing that a mesh loader constitutes a game now.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
Quote: Original post by d000hg
So let's say - post your entries until end of Wednesday. After that I'll put up details on how to vote.

Any takers... (please don't put too much crap in this thread to make it easier to check out the entries, post commetns in the screenshot or other thread..)

Well there have been no takers on screen shots and the thread has been crappified (is that a word?) I'm sad, there haven't been many posts on the other screenshot thread recently either. Seeing all that game/programmer art was the highlight of my day.

Gonna make this little girl cry.
-Lost Little Girl in Gamedev (LLGG)---------------------------------------------Insert Soulless Corporate Logo HERE. I am Dread Pirate Roberts(TM) #17603. Please ask about franchise opportunities in your area!
I think everyone is too frantic trying to finish their projects...
Although a few smart-guys have said they have been in the testing phase for weeks - where are they?
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We're currently testing and tweaking and testing some more. We still have a good deal left to polish but it looks like we'll be done in time.
Quote: Original post by Selsesstissan
We're currently testing and tweaking and testing some more. We still have a good deal left to polish but it looks like we'll be done in time.

Thanks to Hurricane Wilma[smile]... hehehe...
Quote: Original post by d000hg

Jake postponed his vacation to florida because of the hurricane, thus giving us an extra week to work on our game and get it polished.
I'm currently in the testing/polish phase, after dropping out for 3 weeks due to an unfortunate bug.
Anyhow, bug solved and rolling again.
My main problem right now is forcing myself to stop adding features, the beta testers demand allterations AARGGH.

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