
How many entrants?

Started by October 19, 2005 09:55 AM
13 comments, last by Ravuya 18 years, 10 months ago
Wow, this is impressive! Heck, I remember participating in 4E2, and there was only something like 12 entries. It looks like I need to crank out the code for 4E5...
hehehe yeah the competition will be fierce !!! :D

our project will make the deadline for sure.. we are putting final touchs , it should be ready by sunday for public release :)

10 prizes.... 80 entrants.. that still better than the lottery mates !!!! :D
come on get those games done !

All the competitions I have entered only one third actually finish before deadline.
I will be in that third :)
My game will only be a shadow of what I originally planned, but I think I'll at least have something to enter.
I like the DARK layout!
Lots of games to play here. Yikes. You don't need any more judges or anything?

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