
4E4 Entry Demo Video

Started by October 23, 2005 12:21 PM
13 comments, last by cyric74 18 years, 10 months ago
Ninja warriors rock!!!
From the looks of it, I see a few things that I think could make it a bit better looking. Besides that big building in the beginning, the others look exactly the same, just a different color. I guess that is okay but they look a bit too simple like that. Also, in the patches of grass, you should have some kind of mid-way tile, with very low grass, between the tiles with grass and no grass. It doesn't seem to flow very nicley the way it is now. It still looks very good, but hopefully you can or have improved these things. Very, very nice.

Are you sure your FPS counter is right? It just seemed to me that you were getting a higher framerate than what the counter showed. Nice work though!
Quote: Original post by Alt F4
Are you sure your FPS counter is right? It just seemed to me that you were getting a higher framerate than what the counter showed. Nice work though!

Fraps automatically adjusts for that. I.e. the video would be playing faster than the game.

The game looks good, but I would love to see some gameplay!
Quote: Original post by giveblood
From the looks of it, I see a few things that I think could make it a bit better looking. Besides that big building in the beginning, the others look exactly the same, just a different color. I guess that is okay but they look a bit too simple like that. Also, in the patches of grass, you should have some kind of mid-way tile, with very low grass, between the tiles with grass and no grass. It doesn't seem to flow very nicley the way it is now. It still looks very good, but hopefully you can or have improved these things. Very, very nice.


Well, you have to understand that I've been working on this from scratch for only 35 days now between classes (that includes engine, graphics, sound, maps, scripting.. everything except music, which I bought), plus I've never actually made a real game before, so I had to learn insane amounts of information very quickly.

If I had more time, I could make the world more attractive, but unfortunately I only have 3 days left and tons of work to do on the gameplay.

This has been a great learning experience for me, and I'm not even concerned about the contest. I just enjoy building something from nothing--and if it happens to be entertaining, so much the better.

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