
Be honest now...

Started by October 27, 2005 05:53 AM
9 comments, last by remigius 18 years, 10 months ago
Well, to be perfectly honest my chances depend largely on the way the jury will evaluate the entries. I think I've come up with a decent, but simple game with some nice graphics (all homemade models & textures) I'm quite proud off. Especially since this is my first project that isn't just a half-assed demo.

If the jury takes this into account and the fact that I'm doing everything myself, started October 10th and implemented the engine completely from scratch, I'd say I have a good shot at a nice rating... provided I get the gameplay tweaked sufficiently and get all 'kudos' things lying about finished before the deadline.

That said, here's Kudos Point #1: The official game website :)

PS: How does a GeForce3 compare to an Mobility Radeon 9000 by the way? If it performs significantly worse, I'll also need to cut out some features so it'll run properly on the min specs :s
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