
[4E4] Soundbytes from entrants - before the judgement

Started by October 31, 2005 03:04 AM
20 comments, last by rKallmeyer 18 years, 10 months ago
Hey all, I don't have a mic hooked up right now but I'll give the typed out version.

1 - Entry Name: Operation Dog Tag

2 - Team: Afterwinds Game Development Studio -
Jake "Jakem3s90" Oster
Jon "Selesstissan" Fernback
Katharine "Klora Jardi" Jennings

3 - Genre: FPS with a multiplayer co-op option

4 - Summary: You are Agent Collar of a secret military service. You recieve an early morning phonecall about a special assignment, the President's dog has been kidnapped by an unknown group of terrorists. Your mission is to find out which group is responsible by wiping out all known threats one by one until you find the dog. The player will use weapons, tanks and buggies to take out the enemies. And if want help, then grab a friend and play co-op multiplayer over LAN, directIP or find a server online by Query the Master Server.

5 - Tools used:
Engine - Torque
Modeling - Milkshape
Animations - Fragmotion
Textures - Photoshop
Interiors - Quark
Sounds - Audacity
IDE - Eclipse and AIDE(an IDE Jake created in Delphi for scripts)
WinCVS - Source Control

6 - Biggest Issue: Learning an entire engine, how it functions and digging thru the source code to fix several bugs in about 5 months. We also started the project having no idea how the art and modeling pipeline worked, or how to model and animate. The learning curve was huge, looking back I have no idea how we pulled it all off.

7 - Favorite Part: This is an easy one for me: Punting ninjas into the air with the dune-buggy. There was nothing more satisfying and stress relieving for me while creating this game than to start it up and drive around the Reality Assassins Level slamming the car into enemies and watching them fly into the air.

8 - Chances: It's hard to say. It all depends on what the judges are looking for. I think we have a good chance now that the game is fairly stable. It was a close call though. Coming up on Monday morning we still had a huge bug that I couldnt find that crashed the game to desktop, but at around 3:30 Monday morning I found it with Kat's help and stablized the game. Even if we don't win, I am really proud and amazed with what the 3 of us could accomplish for our first real game and in such a short period of time.

9 - Bye and good luck everyone. I really would like to hear any comments on our game. What did you like playing it? What didn't you like? What could use improvement? What did we miss? And... What sucked about our game:)

PM me or email me at if you have any comments. Feel free to check out our website sometime too at and leave a comment in our forums. Right now our website is simplistic, but now that the game is done, the site is the next thing on our to-do list. We plan to start work on our next game in January and could use all the suggestions and comments we can get!

Well I recorded a pod cast. :)

Although I guess the sound quality is ok, you can probably hear how I stutter because I'm reading off of a paper and also I had to re-record some things because they sounded bad. ;)

I hope no-one thinks I'm an ass for my guess on our chances. :D

Here's the url:
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
1/ Hi! I'm the guy who made Toy Robo.

2/ My name is Ray Kallmeyer, and John Ervin did music and sound for my title.

3/ Toy Robo is an action-adventure platforming game with a primary focus on arena style combat.

4/ In Toy Robo, you play the role of ... Toy Robo ;), a robot action figure on the side of good who's mission is to find and destroy evil Toys (cars, zombies, balls, and aliens). The game is fully 3D and you see the game world from a top-down 3D camera. The controls are like that a first person shooter so my approach was a little unconventional. My game consists of 5 levels each with multiple rounds of combat and collecting missions. A unique element/battery system forces players to develope complex strategies, and helps deapen the idea of resource management. Playtime is about 30-60 minutes.

5/ Tools Used:
Visual C++ 2003,
Maya Complete (University),
Adobe Photoshop

6/ The biggest problem I had to overcome in the developement of Toy Robo was the constant redesign required after cutting features. The original specs that I laid out involved a complex story, platforming, singleplayer, complex combat, multiplayer support, puzzle-solving, larger linear-style levels rather then single rooms and RPG elements abound. When the deadline began to approach (even from 2 months), it became clear that I could only implement about two or three of all those features. The trick was in choosing the right features to stick with, and keeping the game fun as more and more got cut. In the end, I think I did a good job of producing a fun game within the limitations of the contest. It's not incredibally original in its final incarnation, but that is a result of time contraints, not lack of creativity.

7/ My favorite part of Toy Robo is the jumping. I somehow managed to nail great animations for jumping, double-jumping and falling, the jump values are all nicely tweaked, the controls feel great, and it really adds to the combat. I was playing God of War when I started this project (great game) so I have to tip my hat to them for the inspiration for the double jump (They wern't the first, but until Toy Robo I think they did it the best ;) )

8/ I think my chances to place high are pretty good. My end product was solid. I think its loads of fun. I've got some awesome robot / zombie action. John Ervin did a great job with the music and sounds of my game, so the whole package feels very finished to me.

9/ Thanks and I hope you enjoy it.

(I'll try to get an audio version up sometime in the future)
1/ Heya. We entered "Paranoia."

2/ I'm just going to do this from my point of view, which means graphics and sound. I'm George, by the way, but Avatar God here in the forums. I'm just some 19 year old college kid who likes games :P I'm not majoring in anything related, but that's another story.

3/ Paranoia is the result of strange relationship between an adventure game and an FPS. Unfortunately, only the adventure part made it into the demo.

4/ "Welcome to a frightening world where little is certain. You are imprisoned with insane pirates, murderous robotic guards, and ninja sabateurs. An earthquake wakes your tired body, and you begin your evaluation. Two locked cells, one pirate, one bowl of rancid soup, and a powerful robot standing six feet away... Escape."

5/ Tools, tools, tools. 3DS Max, Reason, and Audition (also Audacity to convert wav to ogg) - all of which I learned during and for the contest. Photoshop as well, which I learned last semster... Once we get to the FMVs, I'll use Premiere and AfterEffects as well.

6/ Biggest problem overcome? Remembering to flip 90X 180Z invert Z Reverse normals, and export. As pi_equals_3 would say, "Stupid mathematically correct axes." But seriously, for me it was learning all the software and figuring out what I needed to do. That, and the fact that we did 90% of the work in the last two weeks, and every single piece of art and music was made by me (Adriene made some sweet parts too, like the menu buttons, pirates - thank goodness, I would have died if I'd had anything else to do), in that time. But my favorite texture is the lock texture on the cell doors. Don't tell me it isn't sweet.

7/ Favorite part? Well, the demo isn't very long... which leads me to say that I rather like all of it, though the intro and menu are particularly sweet. I also really enjoyed doing the sound effects.

8/ What you think your chances are? Ouch. Well, not as good as they would be if we'd had more time. Regardless, the game will get finished - with any luck, by Christmas.

9/ I'd love to hear comments about the game, even if it's just to complain about the difficulty [grin]. Good luck, and good job to everyone who entered!

I'll post a piece of the music and some SFX tomorrow...
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote: Original post by Srekel
Well I recorded a pod cast. :)

Although I guess the sound quality is ok, you can probably hear how I stutter because I'm reading off of a paper and also I had to re-record some things because they sounded bad. ;)

I hope no-one thinks I'm an ass for my guess on our chances. :D

Here's the url:

That was great, be interesting to see if you are in the top 5 [smile]
Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.
1/ Ink wars #33
2/ Robot insurance I'm Fubeca - Tim Fowers, Producer Tom Mason, Code and Tyler Gibbs art, additional help from Ghent Bailey.
3/ Action RTS
4/ Inkwars is a fast paced RTS that taked place on the sides of a cube. Our theme is a 13 yr olds trapper keeper, who loves rock music and drawing cars and jets. The cube is made up of spiral notebooks. Your resources and unit supply are inkwells, 4 on each side. The units, ninja,zombie, pirate, robot all have different strengths and special abilities. You don't directly select units, you draw lines of their color that they follow. They attack and use abilities on their own if they're not following lines. The logo on your side is like your "flag" and it shows above your units and inkwells.

Make lines by selecting color and left drag. You create units by clicking on one of your inkwells while being in create mode(space bar) and having the appropriate color selected. Rotate cube with right drag or edge scrolling. Skirmish is our single player / practice.

5/ Maya,managed Direct X 9 Aug, RakkarSoft
6/ Biggest problem overcome: Network code - we found out that our network games weren't synced days before deadline.(our bad) We got a Rakkarsoft license and Tom fully intergrated it in a all night coding session. Now it works GREAT with up to 6 players. This is kind of a result of our other problem, only having two months.
7/ favorite part: Frenzied RTS expirence. Our game makes for a FAST yet strategic Free For All RTS. Like 3 minute game - really. We also like our theme(s), real ultimate power ninja (Pirates with lazers) / 13 yr old rocker.
8/ I think we're in the top 10.
9/ It's been a blast. Stay tuned for new developments with Ink Wars.
Wow, I had an email flooding in [smile]

Thanks Fubeca, I've uploaded a zip file of your soundbyte to my gamedev space.

Excellent, good levels, not much hiss. Would be very interesting to any fans of Ink Wars!

Thanks to everyone so far, if we keeping getting submissions and people think they may be interested in interviews after the contest too, we could very well have enough raw material to edit together a full length show!

For the moment I will be uploading any sound bites (bytes? ho ho ho) submitted via email to my memberspace. If that fills up, I know I'll def have enough to do a podcast! The hosting is however temporary, especially if / when a podcast is created incorporating these interviews.
Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.
hey that sound byte idea is cool :) since our game as so much emphasis on audio i felt i had to come up with our own sound byte !

Quote: Original post by sinx
hey that sound byte idea is cool :) since our game as so much emphasis on audio i felt i had to come up with our own sound byte !

Wow very smooth, clear. It's like a cross between an interview and a dance-remix [smile]
Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.

glad you liked it... it took a few hours to do.

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