
[4e4] ]Poll - Recommendations for downloads?

Started by November 01, 2005 04:50 AM
68 comments, last by d000hg 18 years, 10 months ago
Pirate Tycoon!

Kinda fun, but I'm not sure what to do. Thankfully, being in debt up to my town's eyeballs doesn't matter. Really, I was in bad shape. I can tell this game will be great. A couple of technical problems... I can't train any soldiers - when I click 'train' it reads as "Rename town" (or whichever button went there) and a couple of other button issues. Also, tooltips would be nice in some cases. But this is cool!


Background menu image :)
Speed up the scroll speed (esp for the credits)

Hmm, just crashed. Try that again.

Hey, that's fun. Be nice to select more than one at once (with a click/drag), i guess. Seriously, fun! I'll have to keep playing to work my way over to the shrine and such. Which reminds me - fog of war!

The introduction (Dark One) is interesting. Voice acting would be cool, but... I know how that goes, it's not like our game had any. The sound effect in the background is a bit annoying, though.


Nice graphics! The lighting, blurring, and ripple effects are very nice! I keep tripping into the water what with the bouncing when you land and all, but it seems quite fun. Can't wait to play a little more.

Pirate War:

Wish this ran maximized, or that the cursors kept up with each other so I could actually turn a lot. Also, the textures on the walls keep switching. But the effect when you shoot is pretty awesome :) Is there any music/sound?

Anyone want to look at Paranoia for me? Besides the occasional malfunctions... Just hit F11...

[Edited by - Avatar God on November 2, 2005 12:22:45 AM]
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote: Original post by Avatar God

Background menu image :)
Speed up the scroll speed (esp for the credits)

Hmm, just crashed. Try that again.

Hey, that's fun. Be nice to select more than one at once (with a click/drag), i guess. Seriously, fun! I'll have to keep playing to work my way over to the shrine and such. Which reminds me - fog of war!

The introduction (Dark One) is interesting. Voice acting would be cool, but... I know how that goes, it's not like our game had any. The sound effect in the background is a bit annoying, though.

Had I a bit more time to work on it, I'd of added a click-and-drag for group movement. Hope it is stable enough for people to play, but Managed DirectX really made me grouchy with all the difficulty it seems to have running properly.

Original plan was to include some voice acting for the main characters, but 1 month development time wasn't enough for that to go beyond early design.

I'm looking forward to trying all these other games out tomorrow!
Avatar God: I tried Paranoia. I managed to escape the cell, but couldnt get past the robot. Kinda reminds me of an old game called Mercenary.

Theres still a couple of games I havent played (because I need to install the latest DX) but heres my pick of the crop so far:

Ninja <3 Pirate
A Violent World
Time Blasters
The curse of de... oh I allways forget the name!

Theres plent of other cool games, these ones really impressed me though, different reasons for each.
43, Zheigenbuerg - Nice looking, intersteing effect when getting close to a rocket-shooting zombie :) However, a bit hard I think.
41, Star Robots - Very nice looking game, crached the first time when I tried single player, but with skirmish it worked. However, very hard, don't think I managed to kill a single sihp.
40, A Violent World - Wont say anything about this one, since I worked on it, but try it out! ;)
39, Warscale - Looked very nice on the screenshots, but I couldn't find any to play with, so don't know how the gameplay is.
38, Caribbean Rally - Rally game. Took a while before I saw the direction arrows :) A bit to hard in the beginning, that bridge is not easy to cross. Nice to see another game using Ogre.
37, Monstrumo - FPS made in java. I didn't get any nice fps with this game, and it felt very slow.
35, Mr. Green: Attack of the Cabbages - lol. I didn't get the right picture on the player. However, this is one of few games which was not to hard and not to easy.
34, The Curse of Za Defami Island - Very nice intro, liked it a lot. Also one of the better (if not the best) fps-games. Short gameplay, to bad one never got to see the outside.
33, Ink Wars - Took some time to find out where this game installed itself. I cant see the point in putting an extra map with "company" name before the game map. One of the better games, nice graphics, and intresting gameplay. However, it took some time to find out what to do.
32, VIGDP3 - One of my favorites. Nice graphics. However, like many other games a bit hard. I don't want to die 50 times on the first level :)
31, Shadows Of The Savage Fist - Very long intro, felt long even when I skiped it. Biggest problem with this game is the controls. Not that easy to select your characters.. A bit hard (but not as hard as the hardest).
30, One in the Chamber - Hard to control your character. I got totally owned by the computer :)
29, Ninja Loves Pirate - Very nice graphics, and nice polish. To small. I don't want to play in a window that is so small it can hide behind the clock. (Fullscreen was possible, but with huge pixels). About size to fit on a cell phone.
28, Call of Booty - Best fps? Nice graphics, nice physics. Cool with the pirate-car :) Got lost after some minutes, dropping down from a big mountain into the ocean.. Do not lose your veichle in this game!
27, Lumix - Puzzle. Nice graphics, but a bit to much fluff for a puzzle. A little to hard, I survivved a while, but I would have liked to play a little slower in the start.
26, Saboteur 95 - (I haven't played old game this is based on). A bit to low res . for my taste. Not that easy to see if you hit the bad guys or not. I prefer controls that don't use up as kick and up-left as jump.
23, Paranoia - Hard. My friend couldn't even find the start game button! :D Not the best controls. Nice graphics. I got past the first robot, but it took a while.

Ive tried the first 22 also (and some of the ones I skiped), but didn't remember them.. I think the biggest problem with most games are that they are to hard. Strange controls and hard levels are not a good combination.

Quote: Original post by Avatar God
Pirate War:

Wish this ran maximized, or that the cursors kept up with each other so I could actually turn a lot. Also, the textures on the walls keep switching. But the effect when you shoot is pretty awesome :) Is there any music/sound?

I didn't get finished with it, so no sound, and I basically forgot about making it run in fullscreen. A texture somehow didn't make it into the .rar, so that's why the wall texture is screwed up. I'm still working on it though, so maybe in a couple days I can post a new version somewhere that fixes everything.
I like the DARK layout!
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
39, Warscale - Looked very nice on the screenshots, but I couldn't find any to play with, so don't know how the gameplay is.

Warscale is multiplayer only, so you need to wait till other guy joins you into a game so you can start... or you can log again from other PC.

Server will be down from Thursday (10am to 12am) (-5GMT). In this time we will be adding new accounts for the upcoming alpha testing.


The Curse of Zi Defami Island

This was probably my favorite game, but I'm a big fan of FPSs. Really the only game with voice acting, and it is done very well (also a good script). I like the platform jumping and weapons, but there are an awful lot of zombies. They can't hurt you if you strafe around them in circles and shoot them, or walk behind them with the axe - which is hard to do (but very fun!). The zombies have huge heads :) Can't wait to play the rest.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
23, Paranoia - Hard. My friend couldn't even find the start game button! :D Not the best controls. Nice graphics. I got past the first robot, but it took a while.


I find that immensely funny [grin], but not overly surprising. It *is* a puzzle game/FPS (well, there's no FPS in the demo, but hey, it's there).

I might as well post a walkthrough of level 1, as it is a bit confusing (but NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING compared to level 4).


You're stuck in a cell, you have no apparent plot devices, and probably don't understand the controls - now escape.
(On an aside, there will be a plot and some explanation of this in the full version. Not to mention zombies. And ninjas. And shooting.)


WASD Movement

E - Examine - If something is examinable, it should have an eye on the left of the scroll. Pressing E again will remove the examine text from the screen more quickly.

Space - Use - If an object is 'usable,' you will see a Hand/Mouth/Wrench icon on the right of the scroll. The hand mostly means that you can take the object, mouth that you can speak to it, and wrench that you can use another item with it (but not which one).

Right Click - Inventory mode (freeze screen, show mouse). In this mode, you can select inventory items (left click them), apply items to other items (left click-drag) or enjoy the mouse cursor.

F11 - Exit game immediately. Do this if your screen stays black when you die (it will eventually come back, but it probably isn't worth waiting for).


Examine the door in your cell: it's locked.
Examine the door in the other cell: it's busted.
Examine the pirate: His name is Captain Moargen, and he's not looking to good.
Examine the pirate's peg leg.
Use the pirate's peg leg: You can't take it, as the Captain is understandably fond of it.
Examine the soup.
Use the soup to pick up the metal fork.
Examine the loose stone next to the Cpt's door (just to the right of it, on the busted-up wall): it will crumble in your hands.
Examine the rum.
Use the rum to pick it up.
Select the rum (enter inventory mode and click it, or press the corresponding number key - 3, in this case).
Use Captain Moargen to give him the rum.
Examine Captain Moargen to notice that he has now comically passed out.
Use the Captain's peg leg.

Now, to escape. If you open your door with the fork, the robot will shoot you (in theory, anyways), and if you bust open the Captain's door and try to exit, the robot will shoot you (again, in theory). So... you have to bust open the Captain's door with the peg leg, immediately run back into your cell while the robot trundles into the Captain's cell (and, in theory, shoots him), open your door with the fork, then exit your cell and the level.

Level 2... Get to the other side. Feel free to examine the bracket and prisoner on the way. Once you get to the sturdy, barred door, examine the broken bracket and rope. Feel free to pull the rope, it doesn't do anything right now (it should lift the door up, and drop it back down when you let go). Go back to the start, take the intact bracket, use it on the wall indentation at the end of the level, use the rope, and exit.

Whew. Seriously, you get to kill something in level 3. With your choice of a peg leg or fork.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Has anyone tried Kasei yet?
Oh, Kasei was fun!

Nice models. Excellent animations, and the 'hit' animations are particularly nice. Some clipping and height issues with the terrain. A little sluggish on the controls at times. Haven't survived to the end of the level yet (I keep screwing up when I try to roll away).
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.

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