
Next compo?

Started by November 07, 2005 01:07 PM
39 comments, last by SiCrane 18 years, 10 months ago
Quote: Original post by Oberon_Command
So, maybe we should do like that competition does and give the competitors a list of elements that people must base their game off of (similar to 4 elements), but instead of including all of them, they must choose one and make a game out of the concept.

Sorta like:

1) Rain

2) Space

3) Elves

4) Modern City

Like that, or more specific?
Basically, yeah.
Quote: Original post by Servant of the Lord
Or pull the opposite and have a contest that is for completly silent and black & white games.
That would actually be quite cool, though the judges might go mad seing 50 black+white games.

Quote: Original post by d000hg
Quote: Original post by Servant of the Lord
Or pull the opposite and have a contest that is for completly silent and black & white games.
That would actually be quite cool, though the judges might go mad seing 50 black+white games.

Also I think those old silent era films are now out of copyright, so they can be used as resources. If contestants were allowed to put a piano backing score the results could be quite impressive [smile].

The theme should be encapsulated in one word, and have it describe the gameplay not the content. For example, "physics", where the gameplay has to revolve around some physics gimmick. Or "AI" where the gameplay has to revolve around some real clever AI, like flocking and group behaviours or whatever. "fluids" where a game has to use fluid dynamics in a novel way.

Not only would it make for a much more diverse, original and interesting range of a game concepts, this would also put the emphasis back on the programming aspect, as there are no game-making tools which do these for you. The use of physics libraries still involves hands-on programming, and coding good AI would be an interesting challenge.

For example if the theme was AI, you could still make generic shooter X, but the focus would be on good AI opponents, not a shooting range tech demo. If you were more creative you could make some kind of cowboy/shepherd herding game.

How about something like the 4 vices or something?

Or, set a specific type of gameplay (i.e. tetris clone, rpg, fps, etc.) and look at the variations that turn out.
Bleargh, there are so many compos with physics/fluid/springs/gravity/blahblah theme. This kind of theme calls for boring games IMO. Ninjas & Zombies are much more fun.. you'll never get something like "Ninja Loves Pirate" [smile] if the theme is a reality thing.
What are the four vices, anyways?
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
You can always invent a contest just for yourself, of course. Creativity really comes into its own when limits are imposed - that's one of the reasons contests like this produce interesting new ideas. Next time you want to write a game, pick some arbitrary limiting factors (development time, theme, control method, whatever) and treat the thing like a contest.

John B
The best thing about the internet is the way people with no experience or qualifications can pretend to be completely superior to other people who have no experience or qualifications.
Quote: Original post by Kyo
Not only would it make for a much more diverse, original and interesting range of a game concepts, this would also put the emphasis back on the programming aspect, as there are no game-making tools which do these for you.

Part of the goal in designing 4E4 was to take the focus off the programming aspect, and to put more weight on content and production management. If we do another contest of this magnitude - 5 months is the longest we've ever done, I believe - then it is likely to be holistic in the same way. Some of the entries this time around, like Zirconia 2 or Ink Wars, have really tried to innovate with their gameplay, and I for one would like that to be encouraged.

However, we've been looking at running contests more frequently, so a seperate programming-focused contest more along the lines of what you describe might happen seperately to a 4E contest.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

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