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Unknown error

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5 comments, last by Deyja 18 years, 7 months ago
Hello Andreas. I bring below a code which works incorrectly. I use the version 2.4.1a. In the text of a code, comments which specify a place of a mistake are resulted. Inform, what I doing not so or was a mistake in a code of your library? //This line not working ret=Get(0)+(Get(1)*2.0f); //but this line, correct working ret=(Get(1)*2.0f)+Get(0); Error in this function: float __cdecl OpPlusRF(cFloat *self, float other) self == NULL ////////////////// // start my code #define AS_DEPRECATED #include "angelscript.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct cFloat { float m_Float; cFloat() { m_Float = 0.0f; } cFloat(float Float) { m_Float = Float; } float operator = (float f); operator float() { return m_Float; } float operator += (cFloat v ); float operator += (float v ); float operator -= (cFloat v ); float operator -= (float v ); float operator /= (cFloat v ); float operator /= (float v ); float operator *= (cFloat v ); float operator *= (float v ); }; float cFloat::operator = (float f) { float old = m_Float; m_Float = f; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator += (cFloat v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float += v; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator += (float v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float += v; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator -= (cFloat v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float -= v; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator -= (float v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float -= v; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator /= (cFloat v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float /= v; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator /= (float v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float /= v; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator *= (cFloat v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float *= v; return m_Float; } float cFloat::operator *= (float v ) { float old = m_Float; m_Float *= v; return m_Float; } float __cdecl AssignFloat2Float(float a,cFloat &b) { b=a; return b; } float __cdecl OpPlusRR(cFloat *self, cFloat* other) { return (float)(*self)+(float)(*other); } float __cdecl OpPlusRF(cFloat *self, float other) { //////////////////////////////////Error in this call! //// Get(0) + (Get(1)*2.0f) //// ^ //// Is null, Why? if(!self) { cout<<"Error!!!???"<<endl; return 0; //throw 1; } return (float)(*self)+(float)(other); } float __cdecl OpPlusFR(float self, cFloat* other) { return (self)+(float)(*other); } float __cdecl OpMulRR(cFloat *self, cFloat* other) { return (float)(*self)*(float)(*other); } float __cdecl OpMulRF(cFloat *self, float other) { return (float)(*self)*(float)(other); } float __cdecl OpMulFR(float self, cFloat* other) { return (float)(self)*(float)(*other); } bool Register(asIScriptEngine* pSE) { pSE->RegisterObjectType("Float", sizeof(cFloat), asOBJ_CLASS); if(pSE->RegisterObjectBehaviour("Float",asBEHAVE_ASSIGNMENT,"Float& f(float )",asFUNCTION(AssignFloat2Float),asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST)) return false; // asBEHAVE_ADD if(pSE->RegisterGlobalBehaviour(asBEHAVE_ADD,"float f(Float ∈ ,Float ∈)",asFUNCTION(OpPlusRR), asCALL_CDECL)) return false; if(pSE->RegisterGlobalBehaviour(asBEHAVE_ADD,"float f(Float ∈ ,float)",asFUNCTION(OpPlusRF), asCALL_CDECL)) return false; if(pSE->RegisterGlobalBehaviour(asBEHAVE_ADD,"float f(float ,Float ∈)",asFUNCTION(OpPlusFR), asCALL_CDECL)) return false; // asBEHAVE_MULTIPLY if(pSE->RegisterGlobalBehaviour(asBEHAVE_MULTIPLY, "float f(Float ∈ ,Float ∈)",asFUNCTION(OpMulRR), asCALL_CDECL)) return false; if(pSE->RegisterGlobalBehaviour(asBEHAVE_MULTIPLY, "float f(Float ∈ ,float)",asFUNCTION(OpMulRF), asCALL_CDECL)) return false; if(pSE->RegisterGlobalBehaviour(asBEHAVE_MULTIPLY, "float f(float ,Float ∈)",asFUNCTION(OpMulFR), asCALL_CDECL)) return false; return true; } cFloat& Get(int index) { static cFloat m_arr[10]; return m_arr[index]; } void Print(float f) { cout<<f<<endl; } void main() { asIScriptEngine* pSE; pSE=asCreateScriptEngine(ANGELSCRIPT_VERSION); Register(pSE); pSE->RegisterGlobalFunction("Float& Get(int32)",asFUNCTION(Get),asCALL_CDECL); pSE->RegisterGlobalFunction("void Print(float)",asFUNCTION(Print),asCALL_CDECL); const char script[]=" float ret=10;\n Get(0)=10.0f;\n Get(1)=10.0f;\n Get(2)=10.0f;\n ret=Get(0)+(Get(1)*2.0f);\n Print(ret);\n \n"; cout<<script<<endl; pSE->ExecuteString("",script); } // end my code //////////////////
I received your e-mail about this as well. But to save time I'll only answer here :)

I'll investigate this as soon as I can. Though at first glance this seems to be similar to the bug that Dentoid reported and that I believed I corrected in the 2.4.1a release. Maybe you stumbled on a minor variation of that bug that was not corrected? I'll be back with more information soon (hopefully within the next couple of days).


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Excuse, that the mistake rather critical was necessary to duplicate to you on e-mail and in a forum, but.
I have specified, that I use last version of your library (2.4.1a). What sort the detailed information is necessary for you?
In a file sent on your address there is a code in which the mistake of a script is available, you can check up it having started it at yourselves. As it can be corrected or when to expect correction from you.

Quote: Original post by WitchLord
I received your e-mail about this as well. But to save time I'll only answer here :)

I'll investigate this as soon as I can. Though at first glance this seems to be similar to the bug that Dentoid reported and that I believed I corrected in the 2.4.1a release. Maybe you stumbled on a minor variation of that bug that was not corrected? I'll be back with more information soon (hopefully within the next couple of days).


I believe you have given me all the information that I need to find the problem. I just need to find the time to actually do the investigation, i.e. debug the library with your example code and find out where it goes wrong.

I'm in a very busy schedule right now at work so I don't have the time to any testing on this project at this moment (AngelScript is non-work related). I hope I will be able to find the time to do so within the next couple of days, but I can't promise anything.

Until I can provide the definite solution for this problem I hope you can keep your own project going using the work-around that you yourself found.

I hope this doesn't cause too much inconvenience for you.


AngelCode.com - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

I managed to do some tests in between the meetings and all the work that needs to be done, and I discovered the cause of this problem. I've sent the changes to __Avatar__ by e-mail, but the official release of the fixes should be out soon as well.

AngelCode.com - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

Hello Andreas

Thank big, that have found time for corrections of my mistake. So quickly and qualitatively, simply there are no words.
Quote: Original post by WitchLord
I managed to do some tests in between the meetings and all the work that needs to be done, and I discovered the cause of this problem. I've sent the changes to __Avatar__ by e-mail, but the official release of the fixes should be out soon as well.

This guy has to be to using babelfish.

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