
[SD] Screenshots

Started by March 02, 2006 09:34 PM
12 comments, last by superpig 18 years, 6 months ago
Well, since nobody else has done so yet (and I have a screenie to show off!), I've started a screenshot thread. You know the drill, post your screenshots, get a few wows, all that good stuff... At the moment, the only part of my game looking anywhere near complete is the difficulty settings menu: The game will be the opposite of a lunar lander game (a rocket LAUNCH game), but if I have time I'll add in a reentry portion as well. I don't think I'll have time, though...
So, just out of curiosity, how do you intend to get the two needed views in that?
One view shows the rocket externally, along with data like speed, fuel, etc. The other view shows the rocket's control panel. In the higher difficulty levels (which are the only levels I'll be implementing) the control panel is the ONLY way to control the rocket, so you must balance your attention between the input and the output.
This is BAALER ;)

Finally done with the basic gameplay...

The player controls a ball through a minefield.
To avoid the mines the ball has an inbuilt xray so the player can see where its safe to move.

The objective is to collect all the coins then roll to 'GOAL', very basic ;)

Heres what I have got done so far.

You have to go through the world collecting gems within the time limit. Some obstacles that are shown blocked can be jumped over or when I get finished destroyed. Still quite a ways to go but I'm getting there.
Haven't got much done yet, however it's a pretty simple game so hopefully I'll have something playable by the deadline [grin]. I'll let you guess what it's actually about [razz]

As you can see I haven't done much yet. I've mostly been getting used to Python and PyGame writing some basic framework code for the game and working on game ideas.
Here is my game, don't question my design!

My progress!

I don't think I'll ever finish because Flash is really weird. Perhaps if I find a book somewhere, I don't have time to learn AS for gaming.
I had an idea to do something like this.

It would be like Deer Hunter, except with fish!

Too bad I have no extra time...
*News is my new domain.
I'm working on a little game called "BrainBall". I think I got about one part of the gameplay finished and the other part ... well, that's gonna be a secret... let's hope I ever manage to get it done [wink]

Here's a little demo video (wmv, 3.5MB)

Now, if only this would run on the target hardware for this competition ... ;)
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