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Grand Announcement

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10 comments, last by kburkhart84 18 years, 3 months ago
As you may have noticed, the forum was just changed to list myself as the moderator. So, now is as good a time as any to announce that I'm now the person responsible for overseeing NeHe. At the moment things are waiting on the software running the site (mentioned here), which is coming along slowly, unfortunately. But once that's done you'll be seeing a much more regular flow of content. We're also planning to freshen up some of the existing content. One good example is that we plan to fix up some of the original tutorials so they don't require GLUT. So, Hi everyone! [smile]
Absolutely fantastic news! It's brilliant to see that we now have a regular captain to steer us across the seas of missing glaux headers and non-displaying textures [wink]. A hearty welcome to Captain Russell indeed [smile].

And now to bed, 30hrs straight C++ makes my head feel funny...

Darren Clark
Welcome :)

Good; those NeHe tuts, had me extremely confused with all the errors. Missing this or that...
Once things get setteled, perhaps we should make a list of tutorials people would like to see? I would particularly be interested in doing a series on build systems (as apposed to IDEs) and coding tools. While this has no direct relation to OpenGL it is a topic everyone should be familiar with and seems to be the cause of most problems with the tutorials.

This serise of tutorials has no direct relation to GL, it sould be hosted on gamedev's resource of articles, and linked to from nehe's site. That said, the nehe tutorials are fairly isolated from gamedev's article resource. Is this an issue? If it is, what should we do about it?

- llvllatrix
Finally something is happening.

llvllatrix: I figure us regulars could get in the game and write some new tuts, just give the word Andrew.
I would love to write one on FBOs, infact im gonna do it anyway someday, right after i learn how they work that is (allso after my head recovers from the flu, it feels like cotton in a blender right now).
Welcome aboard Andrew. Do we have to call you "NeHe" now?

I'm glad it's all coming together.

It may be a good idea to have some new content ready for when the site has been updated like lc_overlord and ||v||atrix have said. If they (as the more experienced ones here) are willing to help then the relaunch of NeHe will be even better.

Thanks for the update.
Unfortunately, I'll be writing exams soon. I should be able to start preparing content by the end of next month however. This should give you guys enough time to decide exactly what you would like to see covered in future tutorials. I will be able to cover about one medium sized tutorial every two weeks from the start of May to the end of August; about 8 tutorials in total. I dont expect to focus directly on OpenGL (perhaps lc_overlord can fill the gap there). Instead, I would like to provide coverage in areas that tend to be foggy. Things like:

- scripting languages
- build systems
- developer tools
- source versioning
- code design
- BigOh
- optimization and tracking memory leaks using valgrind
- debugging using gdb

are things I would like to cover.

Also, if you have any qualms or complaints about how the tutorials are given currenlty, make them known so that future tutorials will improve.

- llvllatrix
Quote: Original post by firesoft
Welcome aboard Andrew. Do we have to call you "NeHe" now?
I must admit thinking of this and then getting kinda creeped out by the idea.

I definitely think NeHe should have a stronger link into the GameDev.net articles. While NeHe is a great OpenGL resource, it's often used as a programmer/game developer beginner's resource, and these beginners can easily overlook the very good content at GameDev.net-proper.
Quote: I must admit thinking of this and then getting kinda creeped out by the idea.

Yeah. I guess it would be kinda weird.

Quote: I definitely think NeHe should have a stronger link into the GameDev.net articles. While NeHe is a great OpenGL resource, it's often used as a programmer/game developer beginner's resource, and these beginners can easily overlook the very good content at GameDev.net-proper.

I agree. In isolation NeHe does come across as more of a beginners OpenGL area.

Have you (or GameDev.net) thought about combining the OpenGL and NeHe forums. There must be a lot of the same information posted to each area.

The FAQ idea posted before on NeHe is a good idea that should be encouraged.

Anyway, once again, great to have you on board Andrew.

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