
[4E5] Screenshots and Art

Started by June 05, 2006 10:15 AM
351 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 9 months ago
A castle.


and a movie showing the the building blocks used to make it. (rename to .wmv if problems playing).
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Screenshot: Primary interface+current game map. The interface is meant to fit a style. It isn't fancy or anything, but it has its own appeal.
Basically finished with the object editor for now, I think. I need to go back and fix some safety issues in the component editor and I'll have reached today's work quota.


(Thanks again Mark for the tank sprites!!)
Keep the good stuff coming folks!
I'm still getting some technical stuff down before I worry about any artwork, so I should have some shots up by the end of the month. Looks pretty good so far for people who've posted.
I'm working on creating a 3d view for navigational purposes. My goal is to create a 3d view/gameplay part while keeping the style of the interface and 2d map.
This is what I have so far..the tiles would probably look better if I knew how to use a proper pixel editing program besides paint lol

Currently on Wizards Barker...
Insufficent Information: we need more infromation
Well I haven't got a lot done but at least I have something on the screen!

To jump onto the tile map bandwagon:

I'm using the tiles from 4e4 until I can get some new ones, so that's why it may look familiar. [grin] You're not likely to hear much out of me until the end of June, due to final exams.

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