
Character development and script writing?

Started by September 14, 2006 03:11 PM
1 comment, last by bob2250 17 years, 11 months ago
Hi all, first post here so please be gentle :p I'm currently designing an RPG(more on that in later posts), and I've got to the point where I'm thinking I need to start developing the non-central characters (which could number upto 100), and possibly start writing the script for existing scenes. Could anyone recommend any courses which would give me a good framework to build on or failing that some reading material? Thanks in advance people ;)
For reading material, I highly recommend David Freeman's "Creating Emotion in Games". Its aimed at creating emotion through your writing and design, as the title might indicate :P, but more generally I think it has a lot of useful pointers about character creation and script writing.
Nice coincidence, I was looking through that a while ago thinking whether I should get it, thanks there.

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