

Started by October 28, 2006 05:03 PM
2 comments, last by eboy 17 years, 10 months ago
Workshop participation thread for eboy
Ok, I hadn't checked back in several days and I see things have kicked off! Right so heres a drawing I did about 2 weeks ago. It's a study of human anatomy hence the reason I didn't want to waste time detailing the face (although its drawn from photo reference.) Basically I hadn't drawn in months and months and months so wanted to see where I was at. My Dads an art teacher (lucky for some lol) but hes back home in the UK. Anyway I sent him the pic and he says its ok but drawing from pictures, you can't really get a natural sense of 3D space so the drawing rarely comes out with any life in it. I do agree but like I said I wanted to see how much I had remembered from uni and school.

My training involves doing Art all throughout school and then doing 4 years in a digital arts course where I did 2 semesters of life drawing among personal sketch books etc. But I've been lazy and have not drawn at all in ages and want to get backup to speed. I'm currently putting together a 3D character showreel of next/current gen game models and I guess since I'm using Zbrush aswell you produce very high poly models. Anyway I need to understand human form better so I can quickly sketch out concept art and obviously this will help when it comes to modelling aswell.

I see the assignments have started so I shall get cracking on those as soon as I can!

Very nice--you're obviously an accomplished artist; I hope to see both more keen sketches and good criticisms of the rest of us from you :-)
In the spirit of offering constructive feedback, I guess I'll say the one thing I noticed; the line of the model's pectoral muscles seems to rise up too high about his neck. I tried to imitate that pose and it looked like there was a well-defined crease between my neck and my left deltoid, and theny my pec sort of below it. Anyway, the modeling is cool; I really like the way the shapes of the left knee and calf are captured.
Hey David, thanks a lot for the feedback. I would like to think of myself as an accomplished artist but I still think there's lots of room for improvement. I'm starting life drawing classes next week so between this and that, I hope to get upto speed! I shall also give it my best shot at giving people helpful crits where needed :)

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