
Twice Weekly Assignments - updated 11/6

Started by October 28, 2006 07:57 PM
12 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 17 years, 10 months ago
Hey i just found out about this, so wondering if i can start a little late. I just did the negative space assignment. Would I still be able to get in it would be much appreciated. Thanks,

I am reluctant to post another exercise because I havn't seen anyone finish the second one. I guess things are just taking off, so I will give people some time to catch up by saving the exercise I had planned until wednesday. Until then, please complete the second exercise.

There is also the possibility that people are intimidated by the complexity of the assignment, so I offer this alternative, which is much more simple. Find a picture of a statue, any statute, and draw it by focusing on the areas around the statue; the negative space. when you draw and plan, think about the outside shapes, instead of the overall shape of the object. If you have trouble, try turning the picture upside down. Post your sketch and the picture you used if you have time.
quick question, what's a 3/4 picture - is it facing at 22.5 degrees to the camera, or at 90 degress from the camera (side)?
Quote: Original post by slowpid
I am reluctant to post another exercise because I havn't seen anyone finish the second one. I guess things are just taking off, so I will give people some time to catch up by saving the exercise I had planned until wednesday. Until then, please complete the second exercise.

I'm just lazy is all.(Sorry) I've been doing a few things that have kinda distracted me a bit, but I'm still wanting to learn. From admist Oluseyi's mags I found one I'd attempt to draw(5th mag), but I haven't started on it yet. Don't let this die! I'm still interested, and I hope it will pick up again. But yeah, maybe give people time to catch up if too many lag behind. And it's not really too bad if you get ahead of the group, as it'll give the faster ones more to do, and the slower ones or those with less time can draw or not draw as needed.

But really, I will try and work on art more.

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