

Started by October 29, 2006 02:25 AM
4 comments, last by Oluseyi 17 years, 9 months ago
Workshop participation thread for Sijmen
So erm, this is me. I'm Sijmen. I have no real drawing experience and I don't think I have any talents on the artistic side. However, I'm interested in drawing and I wonder what this workshop can bring me.
First assignment, click for larger:
(please keep in mind that this is basically my first drawing in years)

Top to bottom: ereaser, my Apple Mighty Mouse, old hard disk, my left speaker.
You didn't draw the objects together, did you? You drew individual objects, but put them two to a sheet of paper?

Try doing the drawing with at least two objects beside each other. Relax a bit, and take a little more time - your lines are too fast and all over the place. [smile]

Your perspective is generally decent. No gross errors where knowledge of the object interferes with what is seen - you drew precisely what you saw. Good job!
Olusey, thanks for the comments, I've read them and I'm very happy with the tips, and thanks for the compliment ;)

However, I don't think I'll be continuing this. It seemed like a really fun thing to do but over the past two weeks I really don't feel like doing anything at all, and my #1 task is to get all tasks of my lists so I'm finally a bit free and do something I really like. So.. maybe I'll come back in a week or so, two maybe, or I might not.
That's too bad, but I wish you the best. Hopefully we'll still be going strong when you find some more time to get back to this.

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