

Started by November 02, 2006 10:36 PM
10 comments, last by alexmoura 17 years, 10 months ago
Workshop participation thread for alexmoura
Hi. Hmmm. AlexMoura here. No formal drawing education other than school. Always enjoyed drawing, although I haven't done much lately, thought this might be a good time to restart.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

You'll either want to draw with a little more pressure or switch to a darker pencil, as some of your lines are a little too light. Also, don't be afraid to use your eraser! Clean up some of the lines and leave as simple a drawing as possible. (Some people think drawing without erasing is some sort of virtue, but that's bunk.)
Thanks - actually, it may be more a problem of having used a flash while taking the photograph - the drawing is a bit darker than it came out. In any case I'll play around with other pencils on the next drawing, and I'll definitely buy a better eraser - the one I currently have makes me fear using it for blurring more than erasing.
Magazine cover assignment:

Very good! A wee bit stylized, but a very good start. You might end up one heck of a portrait artist! [smile]
A somewhat pretentious pose:

good job on both assignments. Your portrait of the girls is decent, good overall shapes its just the details stuff that your missing, we'll be talking about that later. As for your picture of yourself, good job, exactly what I was looking for.

Go ahead and give yourself a dark outline, to seperate yourself from the background, and work on filling in the details. Specifically, work on yourself from the neck down, when you do it, remember that right now your sillouette is 2d, time to give it some depth with shading and curves.
I'd say that looks pretty good! It does look like your mouth is open in the drawing though. Other than that, it looks pretty good.

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