
Operation Mjolnir -- Feedback Appreciated

Started by November 10, 2006 11:47 PM
14 comments, last by Genjix 17 years, 6 months ago
(This story has been split into three parts; they will be further explained below.) Operation Mjolnir I (Third World War; 2033-2041) In the rising tension between Britain and Russia since an imperialist revolution in 2013 destroyed yet another facet of democracy in Europe, as well as the destruction of the United States of America in a devastating civil war, nearly every citizen of Earth has either expected or dreaded total war in Europe. Britain's new Coalition of Sovereign Nations, designed to replace the crumbling European Union, is now in a difficult situation with Imperial Russia; Tsar Mikhail Romanov II (yes, this Romanov was influential in the Revolution, and not an anachronic addition) wishes to maintain world peace as long as possible, and his son, Felix, has the ambition to conquer all of Europe. To make matters worse, Mikhail is rumored to be in his death throes, fighting a serious case of pneumonia. With such good odds, SIS (for you normal people, MI6) has sent one of its 00 agents, specifically 004, to assassinate Felix anonymously, acting on the threats of the Chinese before they can do so themselves. Assuming that Russia would place the blame on China proved to be a fatal mistake... There were two fatalies that October night. Felix was killed instantly with a silenced bullet to the neck, but 004 was not so fortunate. He was sent home to London alive, but with no limbs, no tongue, and one lung with which to breathe. Out of pity, MI6 managed to debrief him before mercy-killing him. Along with 004's broken body was sent a formal declaration of war from Tsar Mikhail, who had miraculously survived his pneumonia and was in a state of rage over his son's death. In a surprise move, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the former USSR republics fell simultaneously, opening the door for the Russian Army to rush into Germany and rout the Coalition from the sea (launching ships and aircraft from Norway to Great Britain) and land (by conquering Germany and France). This war dragged on for eight years, but Imperial Russia had all but destroyed the Coalition by 2041. On August 11, Britain surrendered, and Russia acquired nearly all of Europe (though all of the European countries, less the USSR republics, became protectorates rather than full territories). <This is a real-time strategy project.> Operation Mjolnir II: Thor's Fist (Silurians vs. Humans; 2177-2182) Shortly after Russia won its war with Britain, the Silurian Empire, a just yet incredibly powerful alien civilization, colonized all of Earth; this was for no particular reason, except for the Emperor's wish of expanding his territories. (Earth was one of 122 such colonies at the time.) For sixty years, Earth existed as a Silurian colony; during this time, science and technology skyrocketed. By the time independence was earned in a bloodless negotiation, Earth already had a sizeable space navy and military, and this only grew with time. In 2176, the Coalition Army and Navy were at their peak. (Imperial Russia united with the Coalition of Sovereign Nations, as per the negotiations with the Silurians.) However, April of the following year brought the first great war between the Silurians and the Coalition. Silurian Emperor Xiomek III was cruising along in his Imperial yacht when it 'accidentally' crashed into an asteroid, killing all aboard. Sarkai, his radicalist brother, took power immediately and zealously, rapidly building the Empire's military in secret from the Coalition. By March of 2177, he was executing a plan to bomb Earth's sleeping defense fleet and swiftly take the planet, declaring that the Coalition had no right to exist (much like Israel is seen from an Iranian standpoint). This plan rendered Earth not quite defenseless, but perilously close. Only shrewd tactics saved the planet as the Coalition Army mobilized for a long war. You are First Lieutenant Scott Griffin. When nearly all of your Marine recon battalion is lost aboard the Coalition spacecraft carrier Tuscombia, you are left aboard the soon-to-be-destroyed Earth Station 2, with only one method of escape: the missile destroyer Euphrates. You manage to board the ship just in time, as the station's life support collapses and the structure begins to fall apart. Now that 98% of your own men are either dead or wishing they were, you are transferred to the 3rd recon and assigned a new platoon in an alien (literally) campaign. As a last resort, the Euphrates escapes to Rigel III, marked by a top Admiral as a "refuge zone". Unfortunately, this is a Silurian ruse; the captain of the Euphrates sends the ship into the inner atmosphere of Rigel III, deploying its Marines, including you, down to the surface to assist the remaining defenders and recapture the embattled planet. Planet by planet, you continue to make your way through the weakening Silurian forces until, at long last, the series climaxes with Operation Mjolnir, the actual Coalition invasion of Siluria. With durable and powerful atmospheric entry gliders, you fly into the waiting hands of a Silurian army, and become among the first and most unfortunate prisoners of the Coalition prepares to fire a supermissile at the planet's north pole to devastate the Empire's infrastructure. You escape back to the launch ship, the Euphrates, just in time to be caught on board as the launch is cancelled, Silurian commandos capture the ship, and you are tasked on reclaiming the Bridge and stopping the Euphrates from reaching Earth, whatever it takes. <This is a first/third person tactical shooter, with ultra-realistic elements built in. This is not a chrome world, after all.> Operation Mjolnir III Coming Soon! [Edited by - spectre1890 on December 31, 2006 12:35:05 AM] Softworks -- Lead Writer, Lead Game Designer
Anything helps. Softworks -- Lead Writer, Lead Game Designer
While I like your bits of criticism (they're good for someone taking English as a second language, by the way), there are a few errors that need clarification on both your part and mine.

First of all, I had placed the flying saucer section as an explanation for UFO sightings within the last century, stating that they were surveying the planet for the possibility of future colonization with minimal resistance.

About the time it took to invade Earth, it was meant to state that it was the fastest colonization ever conducted by the Imperial Army; most other planets would form some effective resistance, but Earth was still reeling from World War III, and could not fight the aliens effectively. For the next note, another allusion to World War III, about 500 million men had died, and the aliens only added on to this tally, because of the events occuring in such a short time frame.

I thought it would be implied that a bedridden, blind, and dying Emperor would be like having no Emperor at all, and it was explained that his son was an unsuitable replacement for the aging Emperor.

About the death grip statement, the revolution would have bled the Empire white, and the Coalition would ideally threaten the Empire with another war. Any sane Emperor would have no choice but to back out and allow the humans to gain independence, rather than waste more troops fighting on a distant battlefield in a war that cannot be won.

That statement about the population level and the alliance was entirely my fault. I do have some editing to do myself, by the way.

1000 fighters was just a way to show the massive invasion effort, but I could have eschewed the exact number and used an exclamatory statement in its place.

I forgot to mention that each celestial body in the Coalition's possession is connected to its respective station by a spacelift that acts as both a tether and a transport. This prevents Luna from being ripped away from the Moon and crashing into Earth, or being pulled apart by the gravity field.

Conquering an entire planet requires LOTS of troops and LOTS of equipment. Assuming that the Silurians have a population level in the trillions, it would make sense to allocate about seven billion young citizens to service in the armed forces.

If you remember the movie Gladiator, I was making an homage to its plotline by introducing the displaced general/selected heir, but cutting the drama in half by simply allowing the General to create his coup and end the situation much sooner. That section requires lots of rephrasing, though. It would be considered rightful because it also happened to be the Emperor's last wish.

Thanks for the compliments -- I appreciate all of the criticism, good and bad. Softworks -- Lead Writer, Lead Game Designer
Dank für den Bericht und begnadigt mein unglaublich schlechtes Deutsches.

If that's an incredibly sloppy and somewhat offensive sentence, blame BabelFish and not me. Softworks -- Lead Writer, Lead Game Designer
Lassen Sie uns Englisch, zu sprechen beginnen, bevor die Verwalter uns töten. Softworks -- Lead Writer, Lead Game Designer
I'm pretty sure there was a another post with the exact same name (Operation Mjolinir at least)a couple months back, so I would suggest trying to find another name, though I doubt the other poster could really complain.

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

For your information, this is the same poster, but this is a different form of the same storyline. Softworks -- Lead Writer, Lead Game Designer
On a grand scale you seem to have things figured out. But, to be honest, that's the easy part. My question is, what's the game? Where do I come in? Who is my character? Do I get to kill this general? You have an interesting story here, I'd just like more detail.
I think you will have first to decide about the purpose of your text and thus define the form of it. You have to decide: are you telling the story (like introductions are being told at the beginning of the games) or, are you explaining the concept to the readers (of your thread, for example).
It seems that nobody's noticed, but I completely revamped the original post, to avoid spamming the forum with another version of the thread altogether. Sure, the rest of this thread is pretty messy, but please take a look at my new writing before judging this book by its cover. Softworks -- Lead Writer, Lead Game Designer

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