

Started by November 14, 2006 03:12 PM
0 comments, last by Axiverse 17 years, 9 months ago
Workshop participation thread for Axiverse
Hello everyone! I'm joining this workshop mainly because I have no self-motivation. I do like drawing, but I hardly ever draw; I usually have the urge to draw for a day or two and then go on without drawing for extended peroids (usualy months). Recently I've tried to draw more often. Also my non-photorealism drawings suck, so I'm not going to show them...

I won't deny that I can draw okay, but although I can draw from reference, I can't draw from nothing - it always ends up looking weird. The thing is that for concept art and a lot of art you don't have a reference to work from, so I'm going to try to draw often while trying to learn from what I draw. I'll try to explain everything I'm doing too cause you learn the best by teaching, right? So I'm working on proportions and cloth which are both hard and annoying to master.

I've drawn, though sparsely for a long time. I must say the best tool that I've used is still a standard 0.5mm mechanical pencil. Note that this can be bad for learning cause you'll probably end up working on the details instead of the big picture. Always work from big to small. I like to use light gray markers to sketch sometimes, but I usually just end up using normal pencils. I also really like the feel of ebony pencils, that that's more than you need. Also an eraser is good =).

Previous Work
I drew the following pictures in two of my drawing 'highs'. I was actually sick when I drew the first one, and the second one was after Harry Potter 4 came out...

Drawing #1

Drawing #2

Post Script
I'll try to keep up with the workshop, but I'm working on my super cool engine XD and I have school to. I'll also try to comment around too. Later!

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