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Introduction and Chapter 1

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84 comments, last by bodchook 15 years, 6 months ago
Quote: Original post by Ezbez
Dunno if this is what you were talking about, but I'm able to get similar performance to you (766 ms for 1,000,000 on a 3ghz P4) now that I'm computing (sum 1.0 1000000.0 inverse add-one). I guess that rational-number math is considerably slower. Judging by your clue, this is what you're talking about, though it does involve two characters.

I'll work on the paint problem now.

Yes, that was it. (sum 1. 1000000 inverse add-one) would have worked too, which would amount to one dot :).
Quote: Original post by Ezbez
Edit: I get that you could paint them all with a finite amount of paint. It seems to level off at about 10.

I just used this function instead of inverse:
(define (area-of-cube a)  (* (inverse a) (inverse a) 6))

That's fully correct too. Mathematica tells me it converges to pi^2.
The volume of the cubes seems to converge to about 1.202. Definitely could fit in the bag.

My solution to your next problem is this:

;An iterative method(define (years-to-get init-amount rate goal)  (define (iter amount i)    (if (> amount goal)        i        (iter (+ amount (* amount rate)) (+ i 1))))  (iter init-amount 0));A recursive method(define (years-to-get init-amount rate goal)  (if (> init-amount goal)      0      (+ 1 (years-to-get             (+ init-amount (* init-amount rate))            rate goal))))

Quote: Original post by Ezbez
The volume of the cubes seems to converge to about 1.202. Definitely could fit in the bag.

My solution to your next problem is this:

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

Correct (the > which should be >= in (> amount goal), but that's a detail).
I'm having trouble solving exercise 1.16

I find it difficult in general to change procedures that produce a recursive proces to procedures that produce an iterative proces. For example, with exercise 1.11 I had to draw a tree on paper to figure out how to create an iterative proces.
Well that's all fine with me, but now I'm really stuck. I don't really get the point of the invariant. I can see how the powers are reduced in the recursive proces (eg. 15, 14, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 0), but I am clueless as to how I can make an iterative proces out of this.

Could anybody give me some pointers?
Could anybody give me some pointers?

The point of the invariant is to see the iteration as changing the variables in the invariant in such a way that the invariant, erm, remains invariant. At the end, one of the variables in the invariant will be the answer you seek.

Let's say we want to find the answer to b ^ n0. Our iterative version will use three variables: a, b and n. The invariant will be the expression:

a * (b ^ n)	;; In general= 1 * (b ^ n0)	;; The initial condition=a * (b ^ 0)	;; The stop condition

Obviously, when n=0, a = b ^ n0 must hold, and a is the answer we seek.

Our algorithm will change the values of a and n until the halting condition (n = 0) holds.

IF our iterative algorithm preserves the invariant a * (b ^ n) at every step, then a MUST be the correct answer when n = 0.

That's why the invariant is useful. Now, all that remains is to find a way so that n gets smaller at each step and a gets larger in a way that preserves the invariant.

The recursive version should give you a BIG hint on how to do this.
Quote: Original post by @root
I find it difficult in general to change procedures that produce a recursive proces to procedures that produce an iterative proces. For example, with exercise 1.11 I had to draw a tree on paper to figure out how to create an iterative proces.

Making your functions tail-recursive (i.e. so that they generate iterative processes) is something that you'll have to learn by practice and will become second nature after a while. Chapter 2 will introduce lists, it'll be easier then to provide you with some interesting exercises.
@ Anonymous P
Awesome. That actually makes sense :)
Going with your advice, I come to this:
(define (fast-expt b n)  (define (iter b n a)    (cond ((= n 0) a)          ((even? n) (iter b (/ n 2) (* a (fast-expt b (/ n 2)))))          (else (iter b (- n 1) (* a b)))))  (iter b n 1))            (define (even? n)  (= (remainder n 2) 0))

Would that be an acceptable implementation? I wasn't totally sure if the call to fast-expt was defying the purpose, but the procedure seems to produce theta of (n) steps and as far as I can see, it looks like an iterative proces.

@ SamLowry
I'll just keep on practicing, then. Looking forward to Chapter 2 :)

[Edited by - @root on December 18, 2006 4:01:14 PM]
Would that be an acceptable implementation? I wasn't totally sure if the call to fast-expt was defying the purpose, but the procedure seems to produce theta of (n) steps and as far as I can see, it looks like an iterative proces.

The call to fast-expt inside the even case IS a (non-tail) recursive call to iter. So, not quite.

But you're ALMOST there. You've got the odd case right: there are no calls to iter (or fast-expt) inside of the parameters passed to iter, so iter in the odd case is tail-recursive and hence the compiler can turn it into a constant-space iteration.

What about the even case?


b ^ n = (b ^ n / 2) ^ 2 = (b ^ 2) ^ (n / 2)So if a0, b0 and n0 are the parameters to iter, the following assignments:b = b0 ^ 2n = n0 / 2a = a0 preserve the invariant and eventually get rid of even n's by factoring out the 2's and plonking them into b.Let's prove the invariant is preserved:a * b ^ n=a0 * ((b0 ^ 2) ^ (n0 / 2))=a0 * (b0 ^ (2 * (n0 / 2)))=a0 * (b0 ^ n0)

I didn't mention b changing in my previous post, so maybe that mislead you.
Ahhh... I can truly be an idiot at times. Indeed, I did forget that b can be transformed as well, in order to preserve the invariant.
Well, that clears things up. Thanks again!

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