
The Rapture - end of the world stories

Started by December 19, 2006 07:20 AM
14 comments, last by Ghost X01 17 years, 8 months ago
I'm thinking of a making a little game mainly to test my idea for a literary engine. And I just wanted to get some feedback on peoples feelings about a story set on the back drop of the end of the world. The idea being that you play through a character's life on the last seven days of the world as we know it. At the end of those seven days how you spent that time would deterime what happens to you after the end.
You used the word "Rapture." Is this to have a Christian context or what?
It is more like according to the Revelation of John. Joanits and Jochanits have covered this theme to the death in the middle ages.
No, no relgious context really. Some pagan imagery and references as part of the underlying force behind the end of the world but nothing other then that.

It begins with a single cryptic email. Then as each day passes more and more of society begins to become affected. For example a computer virus cripples computers world wide.
hmm you want to make an end of times story out of emails? what will it be called, The Spam Wins Over Common Sense?
There are several different stories to chose from: Exit Mundi: A collection of end-of-the-world scenarios.
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
or how about something like a groundhog's day premise? You really only have one huge level, but you have to do it perfectly in order to win. At the same time, dying, killing friendlies, blowing things up, etc. have no real serious consequence.
This makes me think of two things.

The Steven King novel "Cell," and the flash series "Broken Saints."

Check out both if you haven't, you might find them pertinent to your thematic ideas.
Quote: Original post by Beige
... and the flash series "Broken Saints."

Is that what that is? I saw the dvd's at Block Buster in the television series section and wondered what it was. Canadiamation?
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man

Yeah, it's pretty surreal. The presentation is quite good, what with the apocalyptic vibe.

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