
3D Game Design

Started by March 18, 2001 12:06 PM
2 comments, last by lutas 23 years, 6 months ago
After coding 2D games for about 3 to 4 years now, I have decided to follow the trend of producing 3D games. I have a little experience with DirectX (directdraw really) so I decided that I would use Direct3D. The main problem I have is I don''t have a clue where I should start... I learn best from designing games so don''t tell me to start with rotating a cube blah blah blah I would like a game design I could use similar to the way Tetris is a popular game to clone for a first 2d game. So does anyone have a suggestion then? Philip Lutas CEO of Optical Realities
Philip LutasMy site of randomness
Flight sim is a good way to start. . . except for a little thing called physics, that makes many 3D game designers a little grumpy.

I know! Put it in space, then ignore every law of physics known to mankind! =)

Alexander "DmGoober"[Warning! This email account is not attended. All comments are the opinions of an individual employee and are not representative of Microsoft Corporation.]
A flight sim is a bit complex, it''s not exactly the 3D equivalent of Tetris =)

If you want to get a 3D game going without writing a complex 3D engine, to get your feet wet, then the best idea I can think of is to write a racing game that takes place outdoors, on completely flat terrain, with no obstacles or anything. Basically, it will be a 3D game but the code remains essentially 2D. The terrain would be represented as a 2D array of tiles, and it would be completely flat; the Y-coordinates would remain constant. You can then draw simple cars (whose geometry would be hardcoded in the program), and for the sky you can either use solid blue or draw a bitmap.

You''d start by passing all geometry to the rendering API (Direct3D or OpenGL), then eventually add visibility testing.

~CGameProgrammer( );

~CGameProgrammer( ); Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
Actually, I''d start with spinning cubes

Once u''re past that, try doing 3D asteroids.

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