
Fantasy and Technology storyline

Started by January 03, 2007 03:26 PM
5 comments, last by Minimally 17 years, 8 months ago
I know it's not right to have other people write a storyline for you, but I can't find a way to incorporate both fantasy and technology into the same storyline. I want the excitement of Magic and sophistication of Technology and mods. If you have the slightest idea of how to do this please tell me or maybe some games that have done this. Thx in advance

Check out Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura by Troika Games. The game mixes both magic and technology. Basically, there's the prototypical fantasy setting, but its going through an industrial revolution. So, you've got steam-powered trains and gunfighters alongside spellcasters. The balance is a bit off (magic is quite a bit easier than the technological side), but its still very cool how everything works together. The game is rather difficult to get a hold of nowadays, unfortunately, but its definitely one of the better CRPGs.
Read more novels. [grin] This is a very common theme. I just started getting back into Terry Brooks' Shannara series and it has quite a bit of this in the later books. As far as games... the first examples that come to mind are Final Fantasy 6 and Crono Trigger.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

-Arthur C. Clarke
I have had some thoughts on this my self and I came up with this. In my game there is techolly no magic but every one has nano bots in there blood ( alittle late but its set way in the future) and thought years of practice the people learned to control the bots to get "magic".
Quote: Original post by lack o comments
Read more novels. [grin] This is a very common theme.

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series blurs the lines between magic (at all levels from mediocre to world-shattering and with many flavours), actual technology (not too impressive, but with serious practical impact like semaphore networks) and parody technology (like megalithic 'silicon computers'). The three don't differ much, because of the general attitude that if something serves a narrative purpose, how it works is irrelevant because everything is part of a coherent world and subordinated to characters and plots: for example pyramid building is a matter of stacking blocks from the point of view of building contractors, even if the buildings have supernatural properties, and knowing that cameras have an imp inside that paints very fast is a technical detail like trolls thinking better in a freezer.

Likewise, in a game there need not be an opposition between magic and technology, just different tools for different specialties. One can start from gadget specifications and design cool explanations and details for them, keeping in mind the characters, locations and stories for which they'll be used.

For example a fearsome disintegration grenade that is almost harmless beyond a small range can consist of:
- small enchanted bone fragments, kept in an heavy metal special container, that when extracted drain ambient 'energy' and implode after a few seconds, debilitating more distant bystanders and investing them with a weak shock wave; any competent necromancer can make them.
- a preposterously strong EMP device, able to rip apart atoms with electric and magnetic fields if they are close enough and causing a shower of electromagmetic radiation from radio to X-rays at greater ranges; expensive ordnance from the Imperial Labs.
- a reusable robot that scans its surroundings and suddenly teleports a suitable distribution of antimatter (from the Elemental Plane of Antimatter, of course) inside objects, causing trillions of microscoping explosions; expensively available from the fantasy counterpart of Swiss watchmakers.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

There are a lot of variables to consider in mixing fantasy and technology. The first question I have is what will the purpose of this blending be, to help society, to fight wars, as a means of survival or absolute necessity?
The excitement of magic can be experienced by modifying the enviornment, creating rain, moving the ground, setting things on fire.
The technology could control the process of using magical elements, and the elements of the enviornment could have some effect on a person's technology.
In the form of a game, you could give your character a necessity to use weapons that are both powered and in control of various elements like water and fire.
As for the more meta physical type of powers, a character could collect various gear that controls people's minds or alters their senses.
Specifically, I would need to know what type of story you were considering, unless you are completely unsure about that.

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