
Martial arts fighting model for a CRPG

Started by March 28, 2001 09:26 AM
15 comments, last by Hans 23 years, 5 months ago
Hey, that is really quite a neat idea! You could just click on the ''frantic attack'' button, and you will trow everything you can find nearby to the enemy

Or select a chair, and start swinging, thrusting, etc. etc.
Maybe you clud seperate the torso from the legs, animating them seperately and allow for a lot more combinations....

a little hard ro implement though - without making the animations look strange, although, consider making a jumpkick and at the same time swinging your sword out to defend yourself from someone attacking you with a stick, or whatever....

also - the engine dealing with combining the animations would also make sure that the player would land in a nice looking way...
in a nice pose.

but probably, trying to hit and kick a person at the same time, would really make you look stupid and very desperate....
just imagining it makes me laugh...
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm looking for work
Being a real martial arts film freak, I could not not answer to that one...

I think that would be real cool, but martial arts really aint turn based... what if you could not attack until you''ve find a good way to "master" (not sure of the word) your opponent?

For example, he is leading the fight, now its your turn. If you just try a punch, it will fail and he will counter attack very strongly. But if you do a backflip and throw the chair at him, you will have the "momentum" necessary to finish him.. if he doesnt find the god way to get out of your trap...

Of course that would be a nightmare for the coders me thinks

Basically just give the momentum to one player. While hes got it, hes stronger and hes opponenet cant just attack, he must free himself before, or maybe you could even plan 2 turns in advace, so some moves would block some other... But then you might as well not make it turn based hehe...

Biere et punk
I agree. Turn-based seems a little strange for martial arts, since a lot of simultaneous decisions and instant reaction to those decisions happen in real fighting.

What if you made the real-time game slow down a lot in very tense situations (depending on your experience perhaps), so the player can control a very complicated martial system and the game feels real. Kinda like Miles Teg. To balance this, you could add tons of enemies, and very very difficult situations, like enemies with machineguns, etc. I can see a big jump through the window of a room full of badies, 10 shurikens thrown for the heads while in mid air, badies starting to fall (machine-guns randomly firing, perhaps killing each other), then landing with a kick on the last of them, then the game suddenly going fast again and everyone falling down. The player the only one standing up again.
quote: Original post by Eight

A simple inclusion would be to allow players to pick an object near their player as their attacking tool. e.g. a crate. But then use pre-computed animations to fill in the details.

This is part of what I was thinking earlier I just didn''t explain it as well. It wouldn''t work for all style of games, but for the RPGs that you choose who, but not how, to attack it would add a level of visual detail.

Tombstone has real time combat. You can''t pick up random objects to use on other players though.

Sounds like a sweet idea to me. Just because martial arts aren''t turn based, doesn''t mean a game about martial arts can''t be turn based. It would look real time, because the characters would be fighting during the time the player has to decide what to do. Sounds a lot more fun than any CRPG battle I''ve ever played.


"Elvis is alive. He is Barney the purple dinosaur. He is the pied piper that leads our children into the wages of sin and eternal damnation."
-Forcaswriteln("Does this actually work?");

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