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Rotation/Translation....help, please

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2 comments, last by adzz182 17 years, 3 months ago
Hi, im pretty new to openGL. Ive just started on a little project on the Nintendo DS, and right now im just trying to create a program that will navigate a 3D environment. I am following the methods of navigation found in Tutorial 10 on the NeHe site. I have no Trouble Strafing the 'camera' forwards and backwards, or rotating it left and right, the problems arise when i try to strafe left and right, it seems to move diagonally, ive tried editing the code for hours, and searched the internet but i cant find whats wrong. Here is my (pseudo)code: //Rotate Left if L is pressed then { y_rotate += 1; } //Rotate Right if R is pressed then { y_rotate += 1; } //Move/Strafe forwards if UP is pressed then { xposition += SIN[y_rotate && LUT_MASK] >> 4; zposition -= COS[y_rotate && LUT_MASK] >> 4; } //Move/Strafe Backwards if DOWN is pressed then { xposition -= SIN[y_rotate && LUT_MASK] >> 4; zposition += COS[y_rotate && LUT_MASK] >> 4; } //Move/Strafe Right if RIGHT is pressed then { xposition -= SIN[(y_rotate-90) && LUT_MASK] >> 4; zposition += COS[(y_rotate-90) && LUT_MASK] >> 4; } //Move/Strafe Right if LEFT is pressed then { xposition -= SIN[(y_rotate+90) && LUT_MASK] >> 4; zposition += COS[(y_rotate+90) && LUT_MASK] >> 4; } //Then in my DrawGLScene glRotatef32i((int)(LUT_SIZE - y_rotate),0,(1<<12),0); glTranslate3f32( (int32)(-xposition/), 0.5f, (int32)(-zposition) ); I use this method as opposed to the method in the NeHe example (multiplying by piOver180) as i keep getting error messages when compiling.
By "this method" do you mean all the shifts you're doing?

I haven't looked into what NeHe suggests but I did the following to get a FPS style camera

Vectors: position, left, forward.
Flots: pitch, yaw.

The camera is created by specifying position, pitch, and yaw. An UpdateVectors function computes the correct left and forward vectors (assuming a right-handed system (which OpenGL is)). With UpdateVectors, you only need to use cos & sin when you change pitch and yaw. UpdateVectors calculates the left and forward vectors like this

        forward = Vec3(cos(rad_pitch)*sin(rad_yaw), sin(rad_pitch), -cos(rad_yaw)*cos(rad_pitch));        left    = Vec3(sin(rad_yaw - pi_over_2), 0, -cos(rad_yaw - pi_over_2));

Then when it comes time to position the camera you rotate pitch degrees around the x direction, then yaw degrees around the y direction, then you translate to the camera position. Hoepfully this helps. My source for those vector calculations was Wolfram's Mathworld: Spherical Coordinates
do that or take a look at this which is from my current (and old)camera class

void FPS_move_add(float forward, float up, float strafe)
{ ca.x+=((float)sin(-ca.h/(180/3.1415f))*forward)-((float)sin(+(ca.h+90)/(180/3.1415f))*strafe);

And by the way, you don't really need all those shifts, jeff put in *0.05 so things wouldn't move that fast, but you shouldn't really do it that way, you should use the deltatime*movespeed value, which varies for every frame.
Thanks alot for your help, i have figured it out now,

i was adding/subtracting 90 to the rotation value to change the rotation by 90 degrees. I actually needed to add/subtract 128 to rotate by 90 degrees, because my LUT_MASK was 0x1FF.

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