
MMORPG economy...

Started by April 25, 2001 09:40 AM
22 comments, last by TechnoHydra 23 years, 4 months ago
Those are some interesting ideas Andrew, but I''m not sure I see it as being very successful in an MMORPG. The first problem I see is that if there''s a set amount of steal available and it''s all used up you''re going to have to find some way of introducing more without upsetting the balance. If everyone is low lvl when the game starts and they all use the steal to make low lvl/quality items because they dont have the experience to make anything more powerful, then when they do get to higher lvls the quantity of steal is too low for them to do much with.

So you''d end up having to implement some sort of recycling method where they reforge it or something similar. If they''re getting experience doing this though then you get lots of people sitting around reforging things all day and being high lvl without really experiencing the game. They will quickly run out of things to do.

If there''s no recycling system and the resources get used up then new players coming into the game wont get any resources when they start because vets are standing around those mines just waiting like vultures. I like those ideas too Andrew but I don''t see it working unless there''s a lot of micromanagement by the people running the show. Anyways I''m probably rambling too now so I''ll shut up.

Oh and instead of magic you could use Alchemy which would definitly rely on a reagent system so it wouldn''t be infinite and you could still have powerlike abilities.
Firstly, I totally agree with DM about veterans being just as vulnerable when it comes to taking damage as a newbie. After all, veterans are no more or less human (or what ever race) than newbie. The difference comes through the skills and equipment gained.

On the topic of weapon experience, I think that's a good idea but would make more sense implemented as a player's skill with a weapon. It doesn't make sense for an actual weapon to gain experience. Also, experience could be with weapon types rather than specific weapons. E.g. A player that has good skill with long swords but has never picked up a broadsword in their lives, would be more formidable with a long sword + 2 than a mace + 4.

Players shouldn't be aware of the items that exist in the world, they should only know about the ones that they've come across or heard about. Players definitely shouldn't know how many of each item are available on the server. This would add to the fun of the game as the players would be exploring an unknown world as opposed to the players roaming the world hunting for items. I think this would help to ease player obsession with power maxing. Also, when a player comes across the they should immediately know what it does. They should have to go to some means to identify it's attributes, whether that's casing a spell or taking it to a magical weapons merchant, etc.

On the same note, players shouldn't be able to identify items another player is carrying, all they'll see is the actual weapon which they may or may not recognise but no info will pop up about the sword. This way players won't be targeted as much because they're carrying a flame blade + 20. Only those that know what one looks like would be able to tell that he's carrying one (and even then it might not be completely clear cut - long sowrd +2 or long sword of speed?), to the other players it will be apparent that he's carrying a magical sword (from the bright aura around it) but they'll have no idea which one it is. This would also make players think twice about player killing - Is he carry a super powerful magic broadsword +15 or a lowly broadsword + 1 or even a cursed -4.

- Kaijin

"The student who is never required to do what he cannot do never does what he can do." - John Stuart Mill

Edited by - Kaijin on April 28, 2001 3:29:22 PM
Or try the Paranoia solution.

Players have a rank or level. They are not legally allowed to possess items of a higher rank, but the items that they are allowed suck for the adventures they are prompted with. Therefore everyone will have some illegal equipment.

Possessing illegal equipment is a capital offense and every good citizen (adventurer), as well as the NPCs are empowered to kill a player with illegal equipment.

So now the players need the equipment to survive the adventures, but also need to hide it from everyone else. If you admit that you have a higher powered weapon than you should (which includes giving it away) opens you up to getting pounded.

Of course, killing someone without cause is also a capital offense. If you kill someone for exposing a high-powered weapon then you have to forfeit the ''evidence''. Or at least some of it.
That''s a cool idea JSwing!

Although I think it is a little campaign specific as you''d have to come up with a reason as to why that was so (e.g. A warrior nation where you''re not allow to possess a weapon that you are not yet worthy to wield). I might be better to have weapons that are just plain illegal to have (e.g. A dagger of backstabbing, ring of deceitfulness, etc). While powerful and providing a definite edge there are grave consequences to possessing such items.

This would be better as it doesn''t rely on the level of the player, I personally don''t like the idea of players having to be a certain level before they can use an item as it is very unrealistic. They should still be able to use them powerful item but it takes a real master to bring out it’s true power (e.g. a short sword +20 might only be confer a +5 bonus in the hands of a novice).

- Kaijin

"The student who is never required to do what he cannot do never does what he can do." - John Stuart Mill

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