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GameDev's got style!!

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8 comments, last by zbarrier1 23 years ago
I just wanted to let all the hard workers at GameDev know how much I appreciate their work and to say that the changes to the site look very nice. Its always good to change things up every now and then. Keep up the good work. Zach
Go GameDev! BTW, Teej''s articles are awesome But we need some more on D3D!

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A little friendly critizism about the new site design.
First, I would like to say that I liked the old design more, and this is why:
-The new menu takes up about 1/4 of the screen in 1024x768, which gives a very bloated impression.
-Having no menu or coherent border to the left of the news items makes it looks sloppy, just a bunch of text.
-One of the most used ( at least by me ) features on the the main page, Recent Threads, lies too far down in even 1024x768 resolution, a minor inconvenience, but still annoying.

That''s all I have so far, I expect people will disagree with this, so be my guest =) You know I appreciate all the great work the guys have put into this site, so please do not take it for anything other than friendly suggestions.

It''s me again!
In my opinion it''s just not the asthetics which have been improved, but far more importantly the acessibility of the website has been greatly improved as well.
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "
I agree the old layout was cumbersome to use in some ways, but I prefer it to the new way.

For one thing, why are Recent Threads so far down the right-hand menu, with Featured Book and Industry Jobs displayed so prominently? Recent Threads changes every minute, and is very useful. Jobs changes roughly once per month, if that, and the book also changes infrequently. So why display them so prominently, bumping Threads down at the bottom? Makes no sense.

Also it does seem like there should be a left-hand menu as well. Ideally, links to Forums, Chat, and Member Search would be at the top of the left-hand menu (in the old layout, it was somewhere in the middle). And I don''t like the way they minimized the articles.

Oh well, that''s my two cents.

~CGameProgrammer( );

~CGameProgrammer( ); Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
The magic word is:

The paying parts of the site, i.e. the advertising, is now featured in a way that it is more a part of the site, and more likely to create enough revenue to keep the site going.
At least that''s my guess, until Dave or another staff member responds...

People might not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
Mad Keith the V.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I agree with the previous posts about the old site being better. OK, this new site has better "controll" of each section.

-But I still prefer the BIG thing on top to be on the left side.
-And move the "threads" up a bit, so it''s visible without needing to scroll
-The "current articles" bit were my favourite, when I checked the site I could see them emidiatly. Now I have to scroll.
-Is it just _my_ Internet Explorer or is "Featured Articles" yellow text on white background? *veery annouing*

But this is just _my_ opinion =)

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Well, I can answer some questions in the interim. I''m probably the only staff member who agrees that it does have some problems. But I''m also at a loss in most cases to think of a better way it could have been done while still being compatible with all browsers and achieving what Dave was looking for.


"But I still prefer the BIG thing on top to be on the left side"

So do I, I''m not sure why it''s centered. I have a 1280 pixel wide screen res, so it looks kind of odd.


"And move the "threads" up a bit, so it''s visible without needing to scroll"

Recent threads was moved down so that books and job offers could be bumped up a bit. It''s a tradeoff, but books and job offers are the primary sources of revenue for this site. Again, this is another problem of information sites struggling to find ways to pay server bills.


"The "current articles" bit were my favourite, when I checked the site I could see them emidiatly. Now I have to scroll."

They should still be at the top of the page


"Is it just _my_ Internet Explorer or is "Featured Articles" yellow text on white background? *veery annouing*"

It shows up as yellow on blue for me, I didn''t check what it looks like with stylesheets disabled though.


"For one thing, why are Recent Threads so far down the right-hand menu, with Featured Book and Industry Jobs displayed so prominently? Recent Threads changes every minute, and is very useful. Jobs changes roughly once per month, if that, and the book also changes infrequently. So why display them so prominently, bumping Threads down at the bottom? Makes no sense."

Yes, it would be ideal to have them switched. But the book and job ads get more exposure at the top of the page, and since they are our primary source of funding for the site we keep them there.

I''m sure the design will get tweaked a bit as more feedback comes in.

Michael Tanczos

(no sig yet)
Well, even though their are some things that some of us agree should be changed, they are little things. I think overall, the new design is refreshing. I can''t stand to look at a page that never changes its look. I like change, and just remember, for every thing you disagree with, their is someone else who doesn''t. Everyone can''t be pleased, the important thing is that GameDev exists.
i can understand the reasoning about having the featured book at the top of the page as you need to bring in revenue to keep the site going... but i really dont think it will have the desired effect... people are more likely to click a banner/advertisment if it is located right by a point of focus on the page, and if it is relevant to whats being read. The top banner is well positioned, as it is surrounded by links people cant help but to see it, whereas before people learnt to ignore the top of the page as there was little/no focus there.
The featured book on the other hand doesnt have any kind of focus near it people will just learn to scroll down to find recent treads, gamdev login etc.. ignoring the book advertisment. It might be a good idea to put recent threads above it, and login below it, as theses are likely to be the most used, and it will keep it within focus of what people are looking at.

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