
3D Engine design..

Started by July 08, 2001 11:30 PM
0 comments, last by liaisons 23 years, 2 months ago
ok guys, i have planned for several weeks. i am going to design an engine/game at the same time. how would i go about designing it, at what steps? this is what i came up with: ------------------------ -ui (user interface) -ai (artificial intelligence) -3d renderer(will use opengl, will look some what like q3 engine) -sound -read zip files -bsp map format loading -md2, md3 reading/loading -networking (for multiplayer, lan, ect.) -begin programming actual game (add weapons, chars., ect. ect.) ------------------------ is there anything i am leaving out? am i doing something in the wrong order, what order would you do it in? can i use bsp, md3, md2 file format for my own game/engine technology? any copyright stuff i need to know about so i wont be sued? who owns md3/md2, bsp copyright(s) ? thank you for your time, liaisons
Well, those are the fundamental elements of an engine, sure. Although I would point out that music is probably a task separate from sound.

-WarMage many sheep foetuses does it take to screw in a light bulb, again?

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