
PDA Gaming

Started by July 20, 2001 04:00 AM
2 comments, last by psychic_treason 23 years, 1 month ago
Ok, general question here for you all. PDA gaming - Worth the effort or not? Personally I think it is but I was after more general opinions... Are they too slow?Colour Resolution too low (16bpp), screen size too small?? Interface too limiting? Or is this an opportunity to create games that we only dreamt of for the game boy.... even the gameboy advance isn''t up to speed with a run of the mill PocketPC.. And if it IS worth the effort, what sort of stuff would you like to see?? IR-multiplayer games anyone?? -- And that''s my $0.02 worth --
Hang on, where I come from, $0.02 is rounded down. Does that mean my opinion is worthless or priceless?
-- That's my $0.02 worth --
Hang on, where I come from, $0.02 is rounded down. Does that mean my opinion is worthless or priceless?
Sorry, but I''ve played PDA games.. they''re boring after about 5 minutes. Try something a little less constricting, such as the GBA, or other handheld gaming device.

- HTML_Dude
- Steven Richards - AKA HTML_Dude
It depends on how you use it.

The TI-85 is technology near worthless. It has the same processor as the original Gameboy but far far less RAM.

However despite that, there are some really cool games available for it. The reason being that everyone who has a TI can be a developer. The learning curve is near nothing. ZShell came out and soon you could get an actual 2.5D DooM clone to play.

PDA games probably currently blow because they''re not intended for High School kids who would rather play games than do math. Business people don''t care much for games so there''s not really any incentive to make good games.

If you can make a killer game (it''s possible) for a PDA that would be cool. But there''s probably not much of a market for it. The focus on such systems is game play. Not graphics.

The worth is more in that you learn how to do a lot with a little. You learn how to not be a lazy coder.

Jump Down the Rabbit Hole
this is a little off-topic, but does anyone know any websites on gameboy advance programming?
+<--->+With your feet in the air and your head on the groundTry this trick and spin it, yeahYour head will collapseBut there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourselfWhere is my mind+<--->+

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