
New Moderator

Started by September 20, 2001 04:23 PM
14 comments, last by Wavinator 22 years, 11 months ago
Hey, everyone. I just want to let you all know that I'll be replacing MadKeithV as moderator for Game Design. A big thanks to everybody who recommended me. I'd like to keep things pretty much as MKV ran them. That means lots of good discussion free of flames, personal attacks, and spam (just like the FAQ says-- you have read the FAQ, right? ) I'd also like to ask that if you have comments or criticisms about how I moderate, that you e-mail me directly. Thanks! -------------------- Just waiting for the mothership... Edited by - Wavinator on September 20, 2001 5:24:08 PM
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Big ups to Wavinator! I had seen your post status upgraded to Moderator but hadn''t seen a forum with your name on it. Glad to see my logical conclusion is correct Now go play in the game thread, you!

-WarMage time in band camp, Wavinator was a forum moderator!!...
Good job, good luck, and good... mod''ing?

Trent (ShiningKnight)
E-mail me
ShiningKnight Games
Congrats, Wav. I''m sure you''ll do a great job

A CRPG in development...

Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself.
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Well done Wavinator

Uh ... does this mean even MORE of your posts than normal? Uh oh ...

"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..." -- Merrick

"It is far easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it first passes through a blender" -- Damocles
"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..." -- Merrick
Where has MKV gone?
quote: Original post by Moe
Where has MKV gone?


A CRPG in development...

Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself.
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Thanks guys!

quote: Original post by Merrick
Uh ... does this mean even MORE of your posts than normal? Uh oh ...


Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Aaaaah I knew I was betting on the good man
I just hope it doesnt mean LESS posts from you
As for more of them, I am not suremanity is ready for that. Not just yet.

Good luck !

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
OK, for the record it was Myopic Rhino''s decision to place you as moderator... but both me and AndrewRussell voted equally for Nazrix and you wav.. I am glad to see that one of you guys got stuck with the job. I was a gnats breath away from asking to be switched here ...

Anyway, congrats Wav, I know you will do a great job, and bad luck Naz, I know your contributions here have helped graciously in the past. Now, I am glad that Paul wasn''t here to make decisions worse, but I kinda miss him around here *sigh*... anyway, I am getting off-topic... Good to see you guys again

-Chris Bennett of Dwarfsoft - The future of RPGs Thanks to all the goblins in the GDCorner niche

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