
Help with design please

Started by October 21, 2001 08:40 AM
8 comments, last by Kaoss 22 years, 10 months ago
Ok honestly I no nothing of programming, or anything many of you talk about on here. But I share the passion to create my own game. Sadly, it seems there is nowhere to start. I am very interested in any help any of you could offer me, I''m eager to learn.
Welcome! An excellent place to start would be the For Beginners section. You can find the link to it at the top of the page, under the Resources column.

Once you''ve looked there, this forum is a good place to discuss ideas you might have about gameplay, story, levels and such. Good luck!

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
I already have looked there, didn''t tell me jack I didn''t already know. I still don''t know where to start if I want to make my own games.
Id say you already have started, you have a passion for making a game of your own. Okay here''s some general suggestions.

I''m guessing you have an idea for a game, or at least an idea of the type of game you want to make. Write it down, all of it, every ittle detail no matter how well you think you''ll remember it. Then build on that idea, try to think of games that almost reached what you were looking for, and think of what would have made it even better. Write down those things that would have made it better(if it fits in the game of course). Dnt worry about using a lot of paper, hard drive space, or whatever. Just make sure you have this design doc around.

If your going to program it, draw gfx, etc. Get book(s) that deal with the things you''ll need to know, or run a search on whatever tutorials youre looking for. If programming, start simple!!!! Dont start on your killer idea right away learn the basics first otherwise you''ll get burned out or feel overwhelmed. That should get you started at least.
quote: Original post by Kaoss
I already have looked there, didn''t tell me jack I didn''t already know. I still don''t know where to start if I want to make my own games.

Then you didn''t read it carefully (or at all). Don''t be mad at me, I''m the controversial one around here. People always say the For Beginners section offered them nothing, but I still find stuff there (and I''ve been programming games since ''96, so I already know this stuff). So I suggest you head back there and read the introductory articles carefully, preferrably taking notes, then browse through the Articles & Resources and finally head to NeHe and NeXe for OpenGL and DirectX tutorials respectively. Note that before you attempt those API tutorials you should be a fairly proficient programmer and understand the core concepts of game programming.

Above all, be patient and have fun. It''s going to be a long ride so enjoy it. Welcome aboard and good luck!

To you it''s a Bently, to me it''s a blue car...
Tell me what you know.
do you have any programming knowledge?
any experience with c++
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
your options are:
(1) learn to program - this will take quite a while before you can actually create a half-decent game, and maybe never.
(2) completely work out your game idea and then find other people to program it for you - but remember, nobody''s going to want to help out if you don''t have it worked out well, and know what you are talking about. if you go off half-cocked and try to bring together a development team, it will crumble quickly.

--- krez (
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
First of all, IHS and Cornell U.

Second, to Kaoss, you have to be a bit more you want to program a game? Or design a game and have other people program? What about art, would you do it or have others? If this supposed to be a 1-person project? You say you don''t know any programming, what sort of help are you asking for exactly?
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
First of all, IHS and Cornell U.

Cool. Used to live there (in Greensboro, NC now...) CS major? Or CG?
I agree that the For Beginners link isn''t that helpful but its still not bad. I remember when I *really* started wanting to develop games, I bought the "Game Programming Kit 4.0" and though most of it seemed useless... I recieved this one book called "Game Design: Secrets of the Sages." Eventually I started programming and I used the compiler but thats beyond the point. You should probably buy that book. It has many interviews of programmers, artists, modellers, designers, project leaders, the works. You will find out what is best for you after reading the book more than likely. THEN go back to the for begginers section and see if it is more helpful.

By the way, I use the second edition. I don''t know if theres a third... and I don''t know if its as good. I suggest the second edition, though.

------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it

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