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My quick RPG storyline

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19 comments, last by Silentcupidz 10 years, 7 months ago
I wrote this story for a RPG, which I want to be a little nutty. Hopefully you won't think that I, the writer, is nuts though :).

1. A woman named Sheila is born in a tribe of only women and is to be eaten by a dragon because she is a virgin. She must travel to find someone to lose that quality to so she doesn't get eaten.

2. A warrior has the power to slay the dragon and is the Chosen One, but his fear of ghosts holds him back. What he doesn't realize is the ghosts are on his side because they are all the souls of women eaten by the dragon.

3. The dragon is eating women because their beauty he consumes gives him the energy to keep the world beautiful. The characters decide to kill the dragon anyway.

4. At the end of the game, Sheila decides to split her form in two, and morph one of the two forms into a dragon, and eat her other form, to restore beauty to the world.

1. As soon as you start talking about virgins things there's sexual innuendo. How does the dragon know who is a virgin? Are the girls sacrificed and why? This would bring themes of religion and justice that you didn't really establish yet. The whole hunt for... well getting rid of virginity is way out of line in my opinion. It will seriously limit the audience who will like and respect your game. (I'm not sure if you plan on doing this in parody / light version)

2. "The Chosen One" is something the industry itself laughs at. Literally nobody writes such thing anymore unless they make fun of it. If you want to strongly imply what the character was born to do (that as a theme is overused if you ask me) you should at least do it with style such as "legend once told" or "prophecy tells" or "it was foreseen" kind of way.

Another thing is simply "being afraid of ghosts". Why is someone still afraid of ghosts in adulthood? Wouldn't it make sense to be afraid of the dragon that eats people than being scared of semi-transparent floating people? You need to expand on ghost subject for it to be convincing.

3. Okay. The dragon would be a god (of beauty?) then. It seems odd that some individuals just "decide" to kill it as if the god was at their mercy. I'm sure you have some kind of "against all odds" type of thing with epic stuff linking to your game universe and lore coming together here but when you write it that way it gives very weak and inconsiderate impression.

4. Again, how does someone just do that? Surely there was something seriously more special than being a virgin? Eating yourself is pretty vulgar concept again although if it's the final thing that happens in the game I don't think there's much else at stake but the reviews.

Not very mass appealing plot outline and I see it more of lighter themed game. But seeing you intend to wave the "Final Fantasy" word around saying you are using it as your example I think you could seriously insult a lot of fans.

I recommend getting rid of the virgin business altogether, it seems very cheesy and immediately questions your sense of style. You don't want "having sex" driving your story forward. You could easily replace it with some other property possibly involving magic and linking to her ability to morph and split in two and hopefully linking to whole lot of other things you make happen if many parts of the story.

As a general note you need to establish your world more as you write your story and characters. You need to do this in order to avoid illogical and mismatching concepts in your game. Who are the gods, what did they do, how do the citizens relate to them, how do gods link to magic, etc. Who are the characters, where are they from, what did they do. For each continent, area, city and street corner you will need to think how it links to the characters, history plus the things yet to come. You need to design all of that and only then you need to decide how you present the whole truth little by little to the player.

There are a couple of games which disagree with you though - The Last Story. Had innuendos. People seemed to enjoy them and even sometimes buy it for that. Was a succesful game.

Pandora's Tower - This game had a girl eating the flesh of monsters. Got pretty good reviews.

With that said, I might very well agree with you on everything else. I might see what else I can come up with.

As soon as you start talking about virgins things there's sexual innuendo.

I'd agree insofar as the "must travel to find someone to lose that quality" part is a quite unlucky idea, but otherwise "dragons eat virgins" or "every beautiful young woman is a virgin" are somewhat well-known tropes (with a beard like methusalem). No negative connotations with that, apart from being a bit worn.

How does the dragon know who is a virgin?

That's an easy one. If the charm didn't work, she wasn't one. Or, worded in a famous quote from a pirate slapstick movie: "How we 'no it workd? Hey! Ye shot me!"

I do see some practical problems though:

born in a tribe of only women

How does this work? Do they capture lonely men who travel the jungle (roughly 1-2 every 10 years), jump them, and afterwards kill them? How do they prevent the roughly 50% waste due to male offspring?

is to be eaten by a dragon [...] must travel to escape fate

Logical choice 1: This is their culture and/or religion. She was born and raised into this role and believes that this is her destiny, and will therefore not try to run. End of story.
Logical choice 2: Those sacrifices are not precisely volontary. The shaman (or someone else) chooses who is being sacrificed at some point. Sure enough the shaman will make sure the virgin is captured before she knows that she won the lottery. That's what you usually do to prevent people from running off. In other words: She cannot run. End of story.

"The Chosen One" is something the industry itself laughs at. Literally nobody writes such thing anymore unless they make fun of it.

Makes one think of "10.000 BC", or "Kung Fu Hustle", or "The Matrix". Or "Star Wars", "Harry Potter", ... or, pretty much every computer RPG made during the last 30 years. Only you can slay Igor the Evil to save the world. But I first need you to collect 15 rat tails to make your magical boots.

Or think of practically every single ego-shooter in existence. Only the Doomguy can stop the Demons from Mars.

The dragon would be a god (of beauty?) then. It seems odd that some individuals just "decide" to kill it as if the god was at their mercy.

That could at least be explained. Not every "god" is a god you'd like to have, too. The dragon could also be seen as a plague rather than a god.

Again, how does someone just do that?

Here I agree. Splitting yourself in two is not something most virgins (nor non-virgins) are able to do just like that. Not unless The Great Spirit helps you do such a thing, or something.

Such as when in American Indian fairy tales, people transform into birds meet their lovers in heaven, and who knows what else... so I guess it could somehow be explained with a tribal background.

But then again, why would the girl deliver this sacrifice after trying to run in the first place, and how would someone who had previously not had any faith (remember, she tried to run from her destiny!) gather the spiritual strength/purity to do such a thing?

The Last Story. Had innuendos.

Haven't played Last Story so impossible for me to assess if they really did anything like that but the ESRB rating suggests they didn't make "having sexual intercourse" the main quest. And dividing women into virgins and non-virgins just isn't cool. It isn't fantasy, it isn't medieval. It isn't even religious, it's just biblical. And the Bible and Christianity is one of the parts of this world you will want to strictly or at least consciously rule in or out of your game.

Selling your game with sex is another topic and I don't have much to say on it. Everybody knows it works and everybody knows they shouldn't. Note that you can still do sex in non-beneficial way, for example making your selling point too obvious or hitting some of the taboos. Selling with sex requires more planning and consideration than playing fair.

Pandora's Tower - This game had a girl eating the flesh of monsters

How is that the same as eating yourself? Again, I'm not so much disgusted by the idea I just feel like it's very sudden and random in your context. Because it's only so late into the game I find myself thinking "I wish I knew about this when I was considering whether I'm getting this game or not". Can you print a warning label on the cover? :)

ShadowFlar said, "And dividing women into virgins and non-virgins just isn't cool. It isn't fantasy, it isn't medieval. It isn't even religious, it's just biblical. And the Bible and Christianity is one of the parts of this world you will want to strictly or at least consciously rule in or out of your game."

My response: Many games use religion and don't try to hide it. Especially RPGs. "Biblical" is part of religion.
"dragons eat virgins" or "every beautiful young woman is a virgin" are somewhat well-known tropes (with a beard like methusalem). No negative connotations with that, apart from being a bit worn.

That's an easy one. If the charm didn't work, she wasn't one. Or, worded in a famous quote from a pirate slapstick movie: "How we 'no it workd? Hey! Ye shot me!"

Dividing men and women and virgins and non-virgins is a very big deal today. You don't shrug it off in your art. It is a strong statement and you'd best be very aware of this fact so you can be prepared for the reception. Here I see no reason to casually include this theme as if by chance but that's up to the author in the end.

Makes one think of "10.000 BC", or "Kung Fu Hustle", or "The Matrix". Or "Star Wars", "Harry Potter", ... or, pretty much every computer RPG made during the last 30 years.

Or think of practically every single ego-shooter in existence. Only the Doomguy can stop the Demons from Mars.

I am not assessing what is popular or what has been done before, I am assessing what is good writing and what isn't.

You really want to list Doom as a good example of how to write a game? Poorly written movies and games can be successful and even well written examples are not perfect so you should copy anything in hopes of doing the right thing. Like I said, everybody does this chosen thing and at least personally I consider doing the very same thing everybody else bad.

That could at least be explained. Not every "god" is a god you'd like to have, too. The dragon could also be seen as a plague rather than a god.

I wasn't stating the problem is with the fact that he is good or "not bad". In my opinion the existence of a being who is capable of governing the world should be well beyond what couple of adventurers "decide".

How does this work? Do they capture lonely men who travel the jungle (roughly 1-2 every 10 years), jump them, and afterwards kill them? How do they prevent the roughly 50% waste due to male offspring?

You argue against my points and really fail to see where this comes from? The amazons.

My response: Many games use religion and don't try to hide it. Especially RPGs. "Biblical" is part of religion.

They don't use existing religions, they come up with their own with values they want to convey and themes they want to highlight. That is all part of game design. It is what art is about.

If you plan on going about "the game X did this and in my opinion Y is the same thing so I'm going to listen to nobody" I don't see any point in this.

Dividing men and women and virgins and non-virgins is a very big deal today. You don't shrug it off in your art. It is a strong statement and you'd best be very aware of this fact so you can be prepared for the reception. Here I see no reason to casually include this theme as if by chance but that's up to the author in the end.

I agree and disagree. smile.png

As for the part where the protagonists needs to try to lose her virginity, I already said that I find this a bit troublesome. Insofar I agree.

But on the other hand, virginity is not a bad thing, and there is really no "dividing people" into one or another, unless you purposely do it. The persecuted maiden (or "damsel in distress") is the classical story of chivalry. As it is, it was simply assumed that an unmarried woman was a virgin (saying or even thinking that she might not be was indecent), and indeed the word maiden has both meanings. In German, "damsel in distress" translates to "Jungfrau in Not", which makes it even more clear. Jungfrau ("virgin"), literally "junge Frau", means nothing but "young woman". There is no discrimination or negative connotation in that. A young woman and a virgin is the same thing.

So, dragons eat virgins. Of course they do, because virgins represent youth and beauty (in other words, life), and purity, one of the highest virtues of chivalry. Which is, of course, what every knight will defend! That's the entire plot!

They sure wouldn't want to eat crones with big warts on their nose. First, no knight would come to rescue these, so it wouldn't make for a good story. Also, crones already had their place in being burned on the stake, which was a very important thing to do to keep up fear and religious order.

"Pious" or "devotional" translates to god-fearing in several european languages. Which of course doesn't mean people feared God. Why would they, God is gracious and benevolent. You love God, you don't fear him. What people feared was that they might be accused and tortured into confessing having had intercourse with a black cat, and being burned on the stake, similar to that old woman who had never done harm to anyone. And, of course, they feared the Devil, because they could see the Devil's presence and his deeds every day (for example when an innocent old woman was burned).

You argue against my points and really fail to see where this comes from? The amazons.

Ah, but the amazons are even more absurd than believing in the existance of dragons and genies granting wishes if you rub their... bottle biggrin.png

While it is certainly conceivable that strictly matriarchal, aggressive societies have existed (and exist), the entire classical depiction of amazons including killing all men and cutting off one breast to better fire a bow or throw a javelin is outright ridiculous. No surprise since most of this image comes from Herodotus (well-known as "father of lies").

Breast ablation is a rather non-trivial surgical procedure which (assuming that you plan for the woman to live afterwards) isn't a realistic endeavour for an antique anatolian tribe. The idea of burning off the breast instead as sometimes alleged is equally ridiculous. At best, this is a severely maiming procedure which will hinder that woman from ever using her arm again due to scar tissue and contractions. If she survives, that is.

Killing newborn boys is out of the question. Lacking a diagnostic means such as ultrasonography, you only know the gender after a woman has been pregnant for 9 months and has undergone the straining and dangerous (not rarely lethal, at that time) procedure of birth. In other words: A newborn is a very significant investment in time and "resources". You cannot afford to throw this away. Abducting men for reproduction would in general probably work, but it isn't realistic either. Not only are far more men than just a handful needed to keep up a population, but also this severe limitation of the gene pool would be most adversary to the population's survival.

The entire idea of amazons as commonly depicted is about as absurd as flying a white horse with wings to kill a fire breathing goat-lion.

Though of course, the mere presence of a dragon probably excuses any other dealbreakers tongue.png

As for the part where the protagonists needs to try to lose her virginity, I already said that I find this a bit troublesome. Insofar I agree.

But on the other hand, virginity is not a bad thing, and there is really no "dividing people" into one or another, unless you purposely do it. The persecuted maiden (or "damsel in distress") is theclassical story of chivalry. As it is, it was simply assumed that an unmarried woman was a virgin (saying or even thinking that she might not be was indecent), and indeed the word maiden has both meanings. In German, "damsel in distress" translates to "Jungfrau in Not", which makes it even more clear. Jungfrau ("virgin"), literally "junge Frau", means nothing but "young woman". There is no discrimination or negative connotation in that. A young woman and a virgin is the same thing.

So, dragons eat virgins. Of course they do, because virgins represent youth and beauty (in other words, life), and purity, one of the highest virtues of chivalry. Which is, of course, what every knight will defend! That's the entire plot!

You don't have to tell me what words mean and BTW I've studied German for 9 years so listening to that is a bit hard for me. That rant has little place here considering the OP very well highlights which aspect of virginity he is talking about. I would have given OP the benefit of the doubt if there was any. The virgin is on a quest to get rid of her virginity and even in the heated discussion that followed he made no intent of denying this is about sex.

They sure wouldn't want to eat crones with big warts on their nose. First, no knight would come to rescue these, so it wouldn't make for a good story. Also, crones already had their place in being burned on the stake, which was a very important thing to do to keep up fear and religious order.

"Pious" or "devotional" translates to god-fearing in several european languages. Which of course doesn't mean people feared God. Why would they, God is gracious and benevolent. You love God, you don't fear him. What people feared was that they might be accused and tortured into confessing having had intercourse with a black cat, and being burned on the stake, similar to that old woman who had never done harm to anyone. And, of course, they feared the Devil, because they could see the Devil's presence and his deeds every day (for example when an innocent old woman was burned).

What does this part even have to do with anything that was being discussed? You've already made your point of either IRL specializing into something boring or willing to browse vaguely related wikipedia articles and rephrase them in order to show off your expertise.

Ah, but the amazons are even more absurd than believing in the existance of dragons and genies

OP has a logic that if something was done somewhere it's totally OK to do it in his story without additional reasoning. He remembered the amazons so that's why he felt safe to include the women-only tribe and I was only highlighting his train of thought.

But I've taken my hint, whoever doesn't support any nonsense others write is the bad guy. Nobody here appreciates what I write so if you could just stop referring to my post I will stop writing. I'll just let the OP make his FFVI with this story and watch as him bathe in popularity under this guidance you're giving him.

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