
Software for animating 2D Sprites

Started by May 01, 2014 10:34 AM
3 comments, last by ilreh 10 years, 4 months ago

I'm working on a game that uses animated sprites (spritesheets) for characters. Right now I'm using GIMP for them and I already got some good results. However creating all these different sprites for an animation is very tedious work especially when I decide to change the character a little afterwards and have to edit every sprite again (and make sure there are no small mistakes). I always export the image and run the game to check the results. GIMP has a function to run an animation based on switching through layers but there's no zoom-function in the animation window and for specific animation-parts I have to re-arrange the layers all the time.

Is there some software that displays several animations simultaneously (like: window1 shows walking, window2 running,...) and updates those animations while the artist changes pixels on the spritesheet? This would probably speed up things a lot.



I use Adobe Flash Pro CS6.

Not sure if you can see multiple animations through multiple windows, you can try it out.

But what i do know you can make a Movieclip (sort of a layering) and hide the other animations and see your (walk animation)



Cosmigo Pro Motion and GraphicsGale have animation features. I'm not sure if they do EXACTLY what you want, but they easily allow you to jump between frames, play a looped animation(in a separate window), etc... I wouldn't want you to try to change a frame while something is animating on the same window though.

Graphics gale is the one I use for doing pixel graphics.

I looked into Graphics Gale and it's just what I was looking for. There seems to be no mechanism for viewing multiple "rows" of the spritesheet in multiple animation windows but this can easily be accomplished by running multiple instances (for every "row" like walking-left, running-left, walking-right,...) and dragging the animation-windows like on your second monitor (In preferences/view the checkbox "task priority" has to be checked or else they stop animating if not focused). Multiple instances is no problem since it's low in memory usage and has a usable color palette-function that makes loading very easy. The resulting alt-tabbing is not an issue since mostly you focus on editing one row of the to-be spritesheet.

+ it runs very well in wine

Thanks a lot for your suggestions! :)

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