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"A Leaf"

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2 comments, last by sunandshadow 9 years, 11 months ago

Hi there

So me and my partner game up with a concept idea for a game we would like to hopefully ring to reality. Also the title of the game is not concrete we are still unsure of a name.

I'm not sure if many of you are against the survival idea seeing as that whats been dominating the Steam Homepage but we decided to change it up from being a regular survival game.

We first originally thought well why don't we use unusual hybrid enemies other than humans, so we started working on it with the concept design of pre-historic animals, then, Stomping Land was released. Well that went out the window.

So what we came up with was this, survival with gradual super powers.

We don't want to drop the character onto an island or terrain without having a purpose. Heres what we got story wise so far


*Intro screen fades from black to character sitting in a test tube with 2 dark subjects looking at him and talking*

Dark Subject 1: "Subject "Whiskey" has been showing no signs of further development or progress, Athena has orderd for the subject to be removed from the facility at once."

*Dark Subject 2 walks up to tube and leans forward your character*

Dark Subject 2: "Well, how unlucky"

*Fades into darkness and fades back again with your character within the test tube and both dark subjects on a helicopter in the air. Dark Subject 2 walks from his seat towards the test tube and operates a machine to manoeuvre the tube towards an open Helicopter door. Dark Subject 2 then walks towards test tub*

Dark Subject 2: "Say hi to Delta for me"

*Dark Subject 2 gets in the position to kick the test tube out of the Helicopter door, just as Dark Subject 2 kicks the test tube, you suddenly gain the strength to burst through the test tube and grab hold of Dark Subject 2. You both fall into the ocean. Fades out into black*

*You wake up lying on the ground on an unusual island covered in large tress, you look to your side and Dark Subject 2 is there, still breathing. After several blinks you hear a helicopter landing on the ground. Dark Subject 1 emerges from the helicopter and walks towards you and ark Subject 2. You continue swaying in and out of consciousness and see Dark Subject 1 attempt to pick up Dark Subject 2. Suddenly behind Dark Subject 1's shoulder, a figure stands within the distance, you blink, the figure gets closer, you blink again, the figure is right behind Dark Subject 1, you blink again. Dark Subject 1 is on the ground, with his chest ripped open and his heart gone, you blink one more time before passing out, Dark Subject 1's body is being dragged, but you can not see by what.*


As I mentioned, I rather give some sort of story as to why you are here and how you got there.

So far what I have planned is that you use whatever is in the helicopter for supplies such as food water and possibly a weapon (bit too easy maybe) and then Dark Subject 2 is still there and alive, I was thinking of having the option to kill him or keep him alive. If doing so what could happen? Could he be your ally and survive with you? Or could he turn on you as you progress through the game? Giving the player choice and risk.

Monster wise I was thinking of tying in hybrid style creature rather than humans such as maybe a 3 headed lion, a crocodile which can stand and be beefy aka a juggernaut sort of thing, I have concept art drawn for a few things but nothing concrete.

What I want the user and all of you to think about is what Dark Subject 2 said before he kicked the tube, who is "Delta"? Why bring him/her up? Was it another failed test subject? The characters wife/partner? Was it Delta that killed Dark Subject 1? Could there be more than just me and hybrid animals on this island?

I am also intending to give this an "ending". Unlike many survival games it just seems to be survival with no end goal or no goal all you do is fight and stay alive for as long as you can. I was thinking of providing the player with an end goal to sort of say "You did it, you survived". So far what I have planned as an end is to engage all the super powers he has found within himself at the very end, combine them, use them all and give him the ability to.........not gonna tell you ;). Pretty much it will be the end goal and I plan to give the player the option to either stay on the island or finish the game. To keep the playability alive I plan to implement achievements when you complete the game, sort of challenges for example take down the juggernaut using a knife. Fun, challenging little achievements to make the game have that playability so the user doesn't turn around and be like "well, thats it I guess not much else I can do"

As of now we have started working on it and hope to maybe gain a few other members onto our team as we go along and continue to develop the game.

Tell me what you guys think of the idea and concept so far.

All constructive criticism is much appreciated and we will also take on board any suggestions or ideas you may have.

Thanks a lot for reading,

Cathal McCurry



We first originally thought well why don't we use unusual hybrid enemies other than humans, so we started working on it with the concept design of pre-historic animals, then, Stomping Land was released. Well that went out the window.

So what we came up with was this, survival with gradual super powers.
Don't obsess over it, so what is someone made something like that already? Especially, I don't recommend to go "weird route" for the sake of originality.

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explain what you mean by 'gradual super powers' as their could be varied meanings to it. Such as, powers gained over time. A route that I highly recommend you dont approach. If it's in the form of an rpg system where experience/levels furthers your ability's, it sounds good. But having time as the only factor to your growth in a game really reduces the approaches you can take, not to mention the fun.

On the other hand, having a gradual level up system, where time is the accommodating factor for experience, could work really well. If you want to take that approach, I recommend basing your game around it. You could make the challenge not in surviving itself, but for surviving long enough to advance. When you 'level up' you could choose between certain powers randomly selected from a bunch. It's easy to categorize such things through level 1 powers, level 2 powers etc. and this would make each experience different.

perhaps your powers could be related to the survival itself, not just danger. For example, you reach level 2. you're given three power choices:

  • health regeneration (regenerates 1 health per tick of game time)
  • improved fire (cooked food now gives you more health and sustains you longer, and the fire's light is now larger)
  • basic civilisation (the Well, Farm and House is unlocked,. However you lose your connection to nature and can no longer use the jungle to your advantage: stealth - 5, damage - 5, health - 20 when not near a fire)

If, at any point, what I post is hard to understand, tell me. I am bad at projecting my thoughts into real words, so I appreciate the knowledge that I need to edit my post.

I am not a professional writer, nor a professional game designer. Please, understand that everything you read is simply an opinion of mind and should not, at any point in time, be taken as a credible answer unless validated by others.

I'm not getting a clear idea of what kind of game this is. It's a single-player survival game, I gather, but those vary from something like Tokyo Jungle (a brawler) to FPS things (usually with zombies) to crafting-focused games like Stranded II and single-player versions of no-combat personal-estate-building games like the MMO A Tale In The Desert to stuff like Don't Starve, to stuff like Virtual Villagers and other tribal sims which are worker-placement time-management games with story-related goals. What you're describing sounds a lot like an RPG set-up, but is your game actually a survival RPG, or something else?

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

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