
"Google Safe Browsing recently detected malware on"

Started by September 16, 2014 02:01 PM
25 comments, last by Madhed 9 years, 11 months ago


I just noticed that when I try to access through a google search this page is displayed:


I don't know when this started because I usually use a bookmark to open and this page is only shown when using google search.

Edit: That page is being displayed in various pages inside, even without using google search. Since it doesn't always happen maybe it's related to ads?

Got it as well, when returning to the forums form this exact thread.

Doesn't occur anywhere else though?



Also right after leaving this thread.

Do you knowwhat specific URLs are triggering it? I've been here for the past few hours and not seen it.

EDIT: naturally, moments afterward, I see it by reloading this exact page.

EDIT #2: Easy repro steps for me: hit "edit post", hit "use full editor", get red screen. Maybe it is from one of the text editor widgets?

Doesn't occur anywhere else though?

It occurs when I open from a google search (1st link) and like you said, when leaving this exact thread.

What kind of black magic would cause the warning to show when leaving this exact thread? blink.png

EDIT: @frob, even easier: from this exact page click in any link to another page inside Eg: CLICK HERE TO SEE WARNING (it's just a link to webpage)

EDIT #2: Looks like the warning is only displayed when I'm logged in. In incognito it doesn't happen.

Yup, creepy.

I have no idea who those people are, but I now dislike them. Quit ruining the Interwebs with stupid malware!

So, I just went through the google report on

it would appear that it is actually looking at a different site... google report So I'm not entirely certain what is going on here.

Although I believe what is going on is that the network that is hosing has several other sites that display suspicious activity and that might be what is getting us flagged.

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Here's the offending code... It looks to be injected into the homepage.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://***.com/MpVsP35HvGR1mOnK.js?jvYHKuqnSM=c670ed79770ae68eeada83"></script>
Requesting the file without the GET query returns a 404. I won't explore any farther than that.

Also, thank goodness for NoScript and RequestPolicy.
Yep, I see that now. Interesting. I've reported your post to make it a bit more visible to zee important peoplez of gamedev.

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Is it still happening? I just removed an ad network we recently added.

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