
Design of a vertical tower defense

Started by February 15, 2015 05:05 PM
3 comments, last by hardcore_joueur 9 years, 6 months ago


I love tower defense games ! I test lots of them and like to analyze their structure. Over the last summer, I've had the idea to draw a vertical tower defense game. They aren't many games like this kind.

Concept is easy. Balls are slicing from one platform to another one. And then continue to go below. The objective, putting towers, is to destroy balls before they fall at the bottom of the screen.

They are just a few number of levels and number of waves but I've imagined a very challenging tower defense !

I don't know how to develop the game and it doesn't interest me. But if my ideas can help a developer to create his game, or if he wants to develop the TD game I've imagined, it will be a great pleasure for me !

I've published on my blog quick draws of levels I've imagined !

Feedbacks of this work are appreciated !

Thank you



Happy to see some of you have read my post and discover my game on my blog.

Is my idea of TD game interesting ? On my blog, I have only published some draw of maps. But I have also designed level and waves coming. If you find my idea interesting, I will be happy to talk about how I imagine waves could come and be destroyed !

Hope We will talk about that :)


Good idea. I think it would need something extra though, like perhaps towers that are magnetic that repel or attract the balls, or make the balls into characters that can also climb ladders etc, to make it more like a normal tower defense but platform-perspective instead of top-down.

That's an interesting Tower Defense idea! It'd be especially a good fit for mobile phones with their predominately vertical screens.

If you were interested in making it, you could try GameMaker or Construct2, both of which are free and simplified way to get games up and running quickly.


Thank you, I'm happy to see you find it's a good idea !

I think it would need something extra though, like perhaps towers that are magnetic that repel or attract the balls, or make the balls into characters that can also climb ladders etc, to make it more like a normal tower defense but platform-perspective instead of top-down.

Thank you for your suggestions. Very interesting. Design the game with a platform perspective is a good idea, I havn't thought to that. I will think about it.

That's an interesting Tower Defense idea! It'd be especially a good fit for mobile phones with their predominately vertical screens.

If you were interested in making it, you could try GameMaker or Construct2, both of which are free and simplified way to get games up and running quickly.

Yeah you're right !

Thank you. Unfortunately I am not able to make the game. I've tried to discover gamemaker and it was catastrophic ! I prefer publish my ideas and if a game developer is interested, he can create a game with it !

My dream is to see someone develop the game or a game inspired by this.

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