
Multiplayer towerdefence idea

Started by February 21, 2015 12:32 AM
1 comment, last by mrposotive 9 years, 6 months ago

Hey guys i had an idea for a new spin on a clan type game and tower defense.

The Concept

The concept is that you are a lord in the kingdom trying to make your castle as large and as powerful as possible, you can do this by creating defenses and towers in your castle to defend off waves upon waves of enemies.

Your castle is the map, when you get enough gold to upgrade your castle the map changes and the enemies get harder. Every time you go through a wave the next wave of enemies will get stronger so at no point should you feel that the game becomes too easy before you upgrade your castle.

You can build buildings in your castle to make items like…

-Special ammo for your towers (Black Smith)

-Buffs for your towers (Alchemist building)

-Armor for your palace (The end of your castle that enemies do damage to if they hit ((Carpenter Hut))

-Dont like waiting real time for your towers to be built? Dont like spending real money on micro transactions to speed them up? Thats ok, there may or may not be an item in one of the buildings that you can sell on the market or use yourself to speed them up…

Dont feel like spending time training the buildings skills to make the beast ammo and weapons? Thats ok you can buy them off the market with the player run economy.


Clans offer you…

-A communal atmosphere in which you can get advice on tower layouts

-A bank that can store your extra materials that you dont need to help out your clan

-Clan Wars

-Dont worry if you dont have enough friends playing the game, you can join a pre-established guild.

- Clans can farm waves to fund the guild bank. (See clan wars for map load out) (That means mats and gold)

Clan Wars

A clan map is set up of the clans top 10 players or the 10 that the clan leader chose as the turrets, your entire castle is a turret, all of your defenses and towers combine into one “turret” The clan leader can arrange the castles in a way that he sees as most effective. The clan leader or architect can build towers on their guild hall so that if a enemy makes it through they are still going to have to bust down a brick wall while he has 300 arrows flying past his head.

-Clans can train troops to attack other clans or farm waves to fund the guild bank. (That means mats and gold)

-If you win against an attack your clan rises up on the leader board

-Bragging rights

Im learning c# to program this in but i feel like java might be better, any suggestions?

Also can i get any comments or suggestions on this, if you would like to work with me on this i am all ears.



What if you don't have 9 friends? Is there some form of matchmaking system to pair you up with strangers?

You mention training troops to attack other clans. How does that work? Do you just create your troops and send them off, or do you actually participate in the battle somehow?

It's got potential, but you can't really tell if a game will or won't work on paper.

C# or Java (or just about any other language you're likely to choose) should be fine -- if you're already learning C# I would just stick with it, there's probably not much benefit to switching languages. What made you think Java would be better?

- Jason Astle-Adams


What if you don't have 9 friends? Is there some form of matchmaking system to pair you up with strangers?

You mention training troops to attack other clans. How does that work? Do you just create your troops and send them off, or do you actually participate in the battle somehow?

It's got potential, but you can't really tell if a game will or won't work on paper.

C# or Java (or just about any other language you're likely to choose) should be fine -- if you're already learning C# I would just stick with it, there's probably not much benefit to switching languages. What made you think Java would be better?

You dont need 9 friends it could be like any other clan based game, you can get invited/join random guilds or you can see who is high on the leader board and apply if you think you have something they need.

-You train and upgrade your troops and send them off, i cant really think of any special thing you could do with them at the moment but maybe myself or a partner will help me come up with an idea for that. I forgot to put in that i would like to put in a live cinema feature to where you can watch your the battle (whether you are attacking or defending).

-I figured i might switch to java because it might be easier for me to find help in it. Plus i already know a bit of it.

Those were very good questions, made me realize where some things were not to clear in my post.

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