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Reputation Droping Fast... Any way to boost this?

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18 comments, last by jbadams 9 years, 3 months ago

How exactly are you unable to learn?

All human beings learn, from the second they take their first breath to the day they die, if you're saying you can't motivate yourself to learn that's a different thing entirely which can be helped with the right tools and encouragement.

I don't really know. It's puzzled my doctor. Your right, all human beings learn.

But I learn very very slow...

I'm glad I know how to type better than most people. But writing books is another thing... and I am not good at that.

I am good at writing short details!

So, if all human beings can learn, why is it different for me? Usually, I feel like I'm being picked on out of the crowd...

I read books like these. The testimonial may be great, but they are generated by people who they know, or by themselves. Basically, books like these are usually self published and not based on fact...
The woman who changed her brain? You really can't do this unless you can learn...
For example, you'd be lucky to get out of a coma. You're even luckier to RELEARN things. But this is all based on age and timing. If you've been this way all your life, and your just getting out now, chances are likely that you will learn little to nothing. Basically, I have a diagnosis of what can be described as "limited cranial capacity". I can only learn so much... as well as learn only so little over a great time period.
Why are we talking about my learning disability? It seems I talk about it all the time on forums, then get kicked.]
Here's an idea, let's close all of my threads (not hide them), and start anew?

One slight problem - I can't learn.

That's absolutely false. You've learned to use computers, you've learned the english language, you've learned to dress yourself and feed yourself.

Saying that you can't learn is 100% contrary to the scientific evidence. What you really mean is that when you've tried to learn something that you don't have experience with, you've gotten bored and have given up.

That's an entirely different thing.

I'm truely "incompetent".

Incompetent means you don't have skill. That's the definition of incompetence.

I'm incompetent in thousands of areas - for example, I'm incompetent at rocket science, because I've never learned it.

Until I learned programming, I was incompetent at it. The cure for incompetence is both doing (acquiring your own experience) and studying (learning from other people's experience).

Millions of Americans nowadays claim they can't learn, or that they are stupid, or have short attention spans, or whatever. Sometimes they even have doctors notes giving them life-long permission to fail and blame others for it. It's ridiculously stupid.

What you don't understand - and listen, this is the truth here - is that mental focus, intelligence, knowledge, skillsets, and physical fitness, all come from exercising those muscles by studying and doing.

If you read my post, you would've noticed this well. [...] that would be noticable.

Only thing that's noticable is a lack of effort, not a lack of capabilities.

So, How can I take baby steps ON MY OWN if I can't learn?

Three steps:
A) Stop believing the lies other people tell you.
B) Stop believing the lies you tell yourself.
C) Start reading.
D) Start doing.
E) Repeat steps 'C' and 'D' for the rest of your life. The more you repeat it, the more intelligent and skilled you become.

I tried in school and failed. Is there something wrong with me?

Nope, if you're in America, the school systems are ridiculously and stupidly broken. Incredibly incredibly so. Or, at least they were in California.

American (or possibly just Californian) schools now (A) fail to teach important skills and knowledge and (B) teach negative skills and knowledge.
You've been sabotaged by incompetence and bureaucracy. Congratulations! (welcome to the club)
You have two choices:
A) Mope about it, and live your life neutered of skill and intelligence, and blame everyone else for it.
B) You can deal with it by rising above it and taking your education into your own hand. Pick a subject, study it online, practice it. No 'buts' - you can do it, every human can.

Also, read. Go to the library, pick up five books, read them, return them, get five more. Anything written more than 30 years ago. The very act of reading exercises your mind.
It'll be hard at first, because your mind hasn't been exercised much at all. But slow progress doesn't mean no progress, and pain and frustration doesn't mean something's broken, it means something is being exercised properly.

How exactly are you unable to learn?

All human beings learn, from the second they take their first breath to the day they die, if you're saying you can't motivate yourself to learn that's a different thing entirely which can be helped with the right tools and encouragement.

I don't really know. It's puzzled my doctor. Your right, all human beings learn.

But I learn very very slow...

I'm glad I know how to type better than most people. But writing books is another thing... and I am not good at that.

I am good at writing short details!

So, if all human beings can learn, why is it different for me? Usually, I feel like I'm being picked on out of the crowd...

thanks for the entertaining evening, i am curious how long this will go for=-)

Check out https://www.facebook.com/LiquidGames for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

So, if all human beings can learn, why is it different for me?

It's not. Your entire generation (*ugh* my entire generation dry.png) has been sabotaged.

It's not just you, and it's a stupid lie that you believe - possibly one that others (parents, teachers, siblings, doctors, friends) have told you. But they're wrong. I'm not saying this to make you feel all warm and fuzzy - it's the truth. They are ignorant, you are lazy; but you're not incapable of working around your laziness or their ignorance.

Lie A: It's just you. (It's not, so stop saying it)

Lie B: You can't learn. (That's not true, so stop saying it)

Anyways, that's all the time I have to invest today - I won't respond anymore to the thread. Read, and re-read, and re-re-re-read my posts and *act* on it. And stop believing the lies other people in your life have told you, and the ones that you have told yourself. Simple to say, hard to do. But you have to do it.

Okay, then, that's one more forum I won't be investing any money in, and I'm sure to report this to the news company too about this, as I always have and always will...

For if no one will take time and effort to help a person in real need, then they shouldn't be supported in deed.

Famous Quote by yours truely, Brandon Thomason.

I hope you had fun thinking the poor fellow was a troll, but the game's over.

Have a nice day...


Brandon Thomason.

Okay, then, that's one more forum I won't be investing any money in, and I'm sure to report this to the news company too about this, as I always have and always will...

For if no one will take time and effort to help a person in real need, then they shouldn't be supported in deed.

Unsympathetic hue.

Also: inb4lock.
I am a game programmer using Multimedia Fusion 2. I have a high school diploma and a GPA average of 4.0 I have done some college and plan on continuing college in the near future.

From scraping your public information.

You said you're a programmer, so either you're lying to try to get people to help you, or you already know basic programming that allows you to keep taking baby steps.

Okay, then, that's one more forum I won't be investing any money in, and I'm sure to report this to the news company too about this, as I always have and always will...

For if no one will take time and effort to help a person in real need, then they shouldn't be supported in deed.

Hate to break this to you, but there is no site that will hold you hand through programming or game development. If you can't learn on your own like you claim then you aren't going to be cut out for this line of work as you have to be self motivated to learn what you don't know on your own. As for investing money into this site, no one is required to invest money into this site. To become a GDNet+ person, it is of your own choice and not a requirement. Threatening to go to the news is also pointless as most outlets wouldn't even bother looking twice at a game development site.

I hope you had fun thinking the poor fellow was a troll, but the game's over.

Yes, it is. No one here is going to throw their hat in with someone that wants to make a team, but have zero experience in making a game or run a development team.

Not that I don't want to learn, but basically, I'm truely "incompetent".

This can't be true, and with this hanging over your head, starting a business is definitely not the way to go.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

You could learn just fine if you actually tried. If you genuinely had a serious learning disability you would have found it extremely difficult to cheat your way through school as you claimed to have done. You've obviously learned basic computer and web skills, because you've managed to sign up for multiple online forums and ask for help and advice, and you've learned English well enough that your posts are reasonably well formatted with an acceptably low number of glaring spelling and grammatical errors. You learned well enough that you have non-basic vocabulary including terms such as "testimonial", "diagnosis" and "limited cranial capacity", all of which you managed to spell correctly.

Your problem (in the unlikely case you actually have one and aren't simply trolling) is that you are lazy and entitled. You choose not to put the effort in to learning, and expect others to pick up the slack for you. This is not how anything significant gets achieved in the real world, and it's up to you to correct this behaviour if you won't to make a game -- people aren't just going to do everything for you.

You're also a liar, as obviously shown by the glaring inconsistencies between your individual posts both here and on other forums:

You say you failed your tests and haven't been to college, and say elsewhere you have a decent score and plan to continue college soon.

You say even your doctor can't explain your condition, but also that you have a specific diagnosis.

You say you have no support system and your family aren't there for you, but that your mother gives you advice about online forums.

As for no one taking the time to help you, if all of the wonderful posts people have taken their free time to write in this and your other topics, along with the private messages I know some of our moderators have sent trying to address your questions are not an effort at help I really don't know what you're expecting and am fairly certain you won't find anywhere that offers it.

We have some members here with genuine disabilities, as well as members with various mental health issues and members with difficult living situations. None of them make a habit of regularly mentioning these things, complaining about them, or presenting them as an excuse for not putting in effort, and many of them achieve absolutely fantastic results in the games and other products they release as well as being fantastic contributors to our community and helping others. Your nonsense is an affront to those with real difficulties and we will not continue to tolerate it.

I think we're done here.

You are welcome to make a sensible post in the For Beginners forum asking for advice if you would like to put in the effort to learn game development, and I can assure you that you will receive some great advice, but if we see any more of the type of nonsense you have been posting so far you will be removed from our community so as not to waste valuable time that could be spent helping those who genuinely want to learn.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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