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Very first game attempt. Would LOVE feedback!

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4 comments, last by Thegrreat 9 years, 1 month ago

So its a very short Adventure/Text type game. Like the Goosebumps "Choose you own path" things or whatever. Please not too much hate, I JUST started trying to learn Python, Im on Chapter 4 on this http://programarcadegames.com/ and got the idea to do a little something. I would really appreciate cunstructive feedback though. Redundant coding or bugs or easy ways to improve. Thanks for taking your time to look at my project!! (: Hope you enjoy.


Im not allowed to post it for some reason? So..heres the code. Hope someone can do something with it :/

# So the choices for each section are as follows;
# First choice between y and n for yes and no.
# Second choice is also y and n for yes and no
# Third choice is l and r for left and right
# Fourth choice is s and b for sword and bow
# Fifth choice is d and p if you chose the sword before for door and path, or just p for path for the bow.
done = False
while not done :
shutDown = input("Would you like to go on an adventure!? ")
if shutDown == "n" :
done = True;
print("You should be ashamed...")
elif shutDown == "y" :
caveEntrance = input("You step up to a moss covered opening into the mountainside. It's dark and you can feel an odd cool breeze coming from it. Do you have the nerve to enter? ")
if caveEntrance == "n" :
done = True;
print("Come on, you seriously done already?")
elif caveEntrance == "y" :
forkOne = input("After a few minutes of traveling down the corridors you see a fork in your path. The passage to the left is considerably smaller than the one to the right, and has a warm, almost soothing smell coming from it. The passage to the right seems to drop about 10 degrees in temperature, a spooky breeze rolls past as you look into the darkness. Which path do you choose? ")
if forkOne == "r" :
done = True;
print("An enormous troll steps out almost immediately as you take to the right-handed path and picks you up, devouring your head.")
elif forkOne == "l" :
weaponChoice = input("You stumble down the dark tunnel. After a few agnonizingly long moments you feel something under-foot. You reach down and your hand is met by the cool touch of steel. There lies a short sword and a battered shield. A few feet away you see a worn longbow and an old quiver. Having traveled quite some time now you feel you only have the strength to carry one set. Which weapon would you prefer? ")
if weaponChoice == "s" or weaponChoice == "b" :
bossPick = input("As you trudge on you begin to smell the sweet aromas of spring again. You soon see a heavy wooden door. The door is held closed by a skrawny padlock. The weight of a sword hilt could open the door. Past it the path continues into the darkness. Do you choose to smash the lock, if you're able? Or delve deeper into the cavern? ")
if bossPick == "d" and weaponChoice == "s" :
print("You beat the hilt of your sword against the rusted padlock, over and over, until i falls to the ground, slightly jarring the door. As you step in your feet are swarmed with brightly colored spiders. They crawl up your legs biting as they go. You stubble out of the doorway but no where near in time, your last sight the broken rusted padlock...")
print("Game Over! Try again. ")
if bossPick == "p" and weaponChoice == "s" :
print("You walk on, deciding to stick with your original path til the end. You round the next corner and enter an opening. At the far end of the room, sat at an enormous table covered in half eaten animals and melons, you can make out the large silhouette of a rugged looking bandit. The floor between you and him littered in bones. You try to sneak up on him to try and take him out quickly but the bandit hears your ambush attempt, and stands up swinging an enormous axe that rips your digestive tract from your gut...")
print("Game Over! Try again. ")
if bossPick =="p" and weaponChoice == "b" :
print("You walk on, unable to open the door you are forced to continue into darkness. Only a few moments later and you arrive in a good sized opening. You can't help but bath in the smell of decay. Across the room you see a very formidible bandit accompanied by a large axe. You decide diplomacy is not the route in dungeons, so you draw your bow and shoot a single arrow into the back of the bandits neck. He slumps over in his seat harmlessly and you walk on, soon finding a well built door that opened into the fresh morning air..")
for i in range(8) :
print("You've survived your first adventure!")

Please not too much hate, I JUST started trying to learn Python

Why hate, you have done, what many do not understand when starting game development: start with a small project and finish it !

Looks good, congratulations and keep it up wink.png

Here is a coding tip. If you know that all of your options are going to have 2 choices and basically do the same thing, you could wrap up that code into a function. That way you can organize your code in such a way as, "here is the display code" and "here is the logic code". Then later on, when you want to change the display code, you just do that in the one function, and everything will still work the same way, but now look slightly differently.

Thank you both for you feedback!! I will tinker some more on it as I go through the online book thing, and thank you for the advice MareKnows.com, I must admit I dont Fully understand but I will look into it, and Im sure it will come up as I go further in the lessons. Thank you both very much again though! Gl with your endeavors as well. (:

Pretty nice for your first game. ;D

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